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10 times Chrissy Teigen owned the Internet!

How do we love Chrissy? Let us count the ways…

In honour of her birthday, we thought we would gather together 10 times that this hilarious mumma proved that she owns the Internet (and why we cant help but love her!)

1. The time she showed us what true love is.

2. The time she dressed up her insanely cute daughter, Luna, for Halloween (in 7 or 8 costumes).

3. The time she had the BEST sense of humour.

4. The time she showed us how to do lazy

5. The time she did some deep research

6. The time she proved she was #wifegoals

7. The time she shed some light on the realities of mum life

8. That time she called Trump a ‘monumental asshole’… ON HIS BIRTHDAY

9. The time she perfectly responded to the birth of her daughter, Luna

10. The time she posted the world’s sweetest FBF

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