Your Horoscopes For November

See what the stars have in store for you this month...
Ann Do


October 23 to November 21 

Sometimes there’s no denying the attraction of the spotlight. It’s a year when you become increasingly risqué and adventurous – emotionally, sexually and financially – so even the slightest effort on your part should eventually produce amazing results. While most areas of your life are subject to change in the months to come, your love life is the prime candidate for wilder deviations. Worrisome relationships can expect an ultimatum while any new love affairs send libidos soaring. 

AFFIRMATION FOR THE MONTH: I am living my dream!

THIS MONTH, PRIORITISE… Stay open to new opportunities – no matter how unconventional they seem.


11th: A day for leadership. It’s safe for you to be powerful.

24th: Watch out for secrecy.


November 22 to December 21

Early November may not be your best time. If putting on an act gets you by, fine – but if your dilemma is desperate, tell it like it is. Besides, not everyone is playing fair. Call it manipulation or coercion – a certain someone knows which strings to pull. The upside? It’s your birthday soon, so when Venus offers extra time for play, slip into party mode.


December 22 to January 19

People love predictability, so no-one is going to be happy if you’re constantly changing your mind. Nor should you ignore the opinions of those closest to you. They may not be that different from your own. On a happier note, the sun generously boosts finances. So pamper, rather than ponder.


January 20 to February 18

Ever gone to pull a loose thread, only to find the whole thing unravelling? Stop picking at minor flaws or life may start coming undone. While delays can be disappointing, you’re probably not ready to proceed right now. Instead, enjoy what you have with those you love. Make the best of life now.


February 19 to March 20

You have been starved of passion for too long and now, romance rules. Throw in a cash bonus after the 17th and it seems you’re in for some sumptuous treats. This is what happens when both Mars and Venus happily entwine in your birth chart. If there’s a conflict of interests between business and pleasure, follow your instincts.


March 21 to April 20

This is a “me first” month. The fear of letting people down can be a strong incentive to carry on, but you’re only human so give yourself a break. There’s still plenty to be achieved, but it can wait until you’ve had some time out. Bottom line: if you’re not loving it, leave it.


April 21 to May 20

Fiery Mars endows you with passion and allows you to firmly lay down the law. Sparks will fly in your social life after the 14th. It becomes clear that, in one particular relationship, enough is enough. In fact, it will take a brave soul to cross you. You take an unusual direction at work and turn good fortune into lasting success.


May 21 to June 21

The Gemini dream is still on schedule, but it’s not a month for short cuts. Right now, life feels more like a marathon so keep those trainers laced. To help, you’ve a mighty planetary task team onside. By month’s end, emotional fortitude and honed skills let you carve your name in any trophy you choose. Rewards include carnal spoils.


June 22 to July 22

The sun leaps into bed with Mercury this month, but this doesn’t do much for its relationship with Saturn. Where does that leave you? Enjoy the freedom change could bring, such as new friendships or romance. November grants you permission to play.


July 23 to August 22

Cast off all your worries, Leo. Work, career and family have all been in transformation – and it’s been a struggle. Thankfully, any heavy feelings start to lighten. This should help ease your overwrought mind. A forward moving cosmos offers fresh solutions to old problems. Your life is up for restructure in the best possible way.


August 23 to September 22

Your future could open up by taking the road less travelled. Sudden opportunities and chance encounters are likely. And you may finally be freed from a tense situation. November promises a time of luck. Keep an eye out for inspiration that hints at your next steps. Enjoy the journey ahead.


Libra September 23 to October 22

Finally, romance looks sensational. Great news for those who have suffered solitude. Love and friendship can crop up in unlikely places. If emotional barriers have grown higher than intended, then you need to gently dismantle them. Happiness comes with the ability to trust – yourself, as well as others.

Click here for more from Astrologer Tanya Obreza.

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