A Blogger’s Chart Shaming Working Mums Predictably Sparks Outrage

The post was met with anger on both sides

If there’s one thing all women, and men, should collectively agree on – its that parenting is hard. Period. One blogger has sparked a heated debate online, after posting a chart that attempts to explain the difference between stay-at-home mums and working mums. 

Lori Alexander, a.k.a. The Transformed Wife, posted a chart titled “Should Mothers Have Careers?” in which she compared her thoughts on working mums versus stay-at-home mums, and it’s unsurprisingly sparking debate. Alexander, a full-time mother, posted a flowchart where she directly compares and contrasts her beliefs of the lives of working and stay-at-home mums. 

In the stay-at-home-mum column, she writes, “Dinner is from scratch, nutritious, and delicious” whereas with working moms, “Dinner is usually fast food or microwaved.” She also says working mums lack time for intimacy and that their lives are “falling apart,” whereas stay-at-home-mums spend weekends at the beach and are totally fulfilled.

The post was met with anger on both sides. 

“Motherhood is not a competition. Mums in both groups have challenges to face that are not more important than the other,” one commenter wrote. Another added, “Also, welcome to 2018 where dads are like, fathers and stuff now, who also help with domestic duties such as cooking, cleaning and! (Are you ready for this? Clutch your pearls) help take care of the children.” A third noted, “I have been a stay-at-home and work-from-home mum for the last 16+ years. This chart is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen in my life.

Twitterverse was equally upset.

Speaking to Glamour, Alexander explained that she was “teaching Christian women biblical motherhood according to Titus 2:3–5 in the Bible, where God commands older women to teach younger women to be ‘keepers at home.” 

WATCH: How Parents Can Keep Kids Safe Online. 

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