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Why Prince Harry can’t marry Meghan Markle without permission

Awkward levels: high

Most of us don’t need our grandmother’s permission to propose, but in the unfortunate case of Prince Harry, he does. And not just out of courtesy.


The Brits have a law that states the first six people in line to the throne must seek permission from the current monarch before they marry.

It used to be even more hardcore: prior to 2011, when then Prime Minister David Cameron enacted the (slightly) more modern amendment, the monarch had the right to forbid the marriage of anyone in the royal family, under the Royal Marriages Act of 1772.

It’s the law that led to King Edward VIII’s abdication over double divorcee Wallis Simpson, and prevented Princess Margaret marrying Group Captain Peter Townsend (as any fans of The Crown well know).


Prince Harry is fifth in line to the throne, after Prince Charles, Prince William, Prince George and Princess Charlotte. Prince Andrew is sixth.

According to People, Meghan Markle is currently in London spending time with Prince Harry. And possibly planning how to best impress the Queen.

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