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Wife of Istanbul terror suspect claims she “didn’t know” of ISIS connections

Turkey terrorism suspect is still on the run after killing 39

The wife of the man suspected of shooting 39 people in a Turkish nightclub on New Year’s Day claims she knew nothing of his murderous plans.




The alleged gunman travelled to Turkey with his wife and two children on November 20. He is said to have told his wife that he was going away in search of work on the Thursday the attacks took place.



She told police she only learned about the attacks days later on TV.


The Haberturk newspaper in Turkey reported that the killer, who has not been formally identified or detained, likely brought his family with him to avoid suspicion from Turkey’s security services. Young men are more closely scrutinised coming into the country if they are on their own.




The Turkish newspaper Hurriyet says the woman says she had no idea her husband was connected to ISIS in any way.



However experts including Turkish police believe he is a trained gunman who learned how to fight during the ongoing Syrian civil war.




Funeral for victims of nightclub terror attack
Funeral for victims of nightclub terror attack
Mourners grieve victims
Friends and relatives mourn the death of Lian Nasser, an 18-year-old Arab Israeli woman who was one of the victims of an attack.

 In total, police have arrested 14 people in connection with the attacks, which were claimed by ISIS on Monday.



39 people were killed and a further 70 were injured.


The main suspect has disappeared.

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