The Best Twitter Reactions To Last Night’s Episode Of ‘Married At First Sight’

"I would happily watch an hour of Ashley talking while Troy has to listen and isn’t allowed to say anything"

On last night’s episode of Married at First Sight, the couples had their first commitment ceremony, where they sit together with the experts and reveal whether they want to stay in the experiment for another week or leave the show. 

Naturally, Australia’s favourite lovebirds Sarah and Telv both opted to stay put (yay), and so did most of the other couples – including Ashley, who has to put up with push up Troy. Seriously, though?

However, two women got their hearts broken when their husbands revealed they’d opted to leave the marriage: Jo and Sean and Tracey and Dean.

No one watching was very surprised about either of these decisions, but Dean seriously took Tracey off guard after praising her literally two seconds beforehand, being super affectionate towards her, and sleeping with her *that* morning.

Dean, he was always going to be a gem.

Because MAFS is a crazy, crazy show, the couples have to stay for another week to try to work through their issues. AKA so Davina can swoop in on Dean in front of the entire country.

Below, see the best Twitter reactions from the night.

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