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No Laughing Matter: The Queen Was Warned Not To Marry Prince Phillip.

The reason why will surprise you.

Queen Elizabeth II was told not to marry her now husband of almost 70 years, Prince Phillip, after she declared her love for him at age 14.

She was told he was too funny, which didn’t match her personality, according to biographer A.N Wilson.  

The Queen went ahead and married her prince at age 21 anyway.

Wilson claims the Queen’s courtiers opposed the marriage “for lots of reasons, but the fact is he was wrong. The Queen is very reserved, diligent person. He isn’t. He was a naval officer and he was also quite funny,” according to The Telegraph.

Elizabeth’s warm words about her husband during her Golden wedding speech in 1997 prove she has no regrets about her choice:

 “He has, quite simply, been my strength and stay all these years, and I, and his whole family, and this and many other countries, owe him a debt greater than he would ever claim or we shall ever know.”

The prince has undeniably has had his moments with words, uttering a few jokes over the years that you might not expect from a member of the royal family.

One of his tamer jokes was made to a hospital matron in the Caribbean. According to The Telegraph, he said, “YOU have mosquitos. I have the Press.”

Funny or not, the monarch and Prince Phillip are undeniably 70 years of #couplegoals.

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