Turia Pitt’s Advice To Young Girls Is A Powerful Reminder To Us All

'Go volunteer. Go help a neighbour. It puts your problems into perspective'

Few of us could endure the trauma that Turia Pitt faced in 2011 when she was engulfed by a bushfire while competing in an ultramarathon, leaving her with burns to 65 per cent of her body.

But even fewer could go on to lead the inspirational life she has since, competing in gruelling Iron Man competitions, and raising over $1 million for Interplast, an organisation that performs surgeries on victims of acid burns and other injuries around the world.

RELATED: Turia Pitt’s Big News

This year the 29-year-old is trekking to Everest on the charity’s behalf.

Giving back, says Pitt, helps to remind her about the importance of gratitude.

“I tell young girls that one of the ways you get perspective is by helping others. Go volunteer. Go help a neighbour. It puts your problems into perspective.”

A powerful reminder to us all.

To celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8, marie claire sat down with the Aussie women who are breaking down barriers and challenging the status quo. Pick up this month’s issue, on sale now.

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