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Parents Of Boy Killed By Meningococcal B-Strain Say They Couldn’t Afford Vaccine

He was six months old

On Saturday night, the parents of six-month-old Jordan Braddock put their little boy to bed and noticed nothing unusual.


But in the morning, Jordan was quiet and listless, and was taken to the family’s GP, and then emergency. The little boy broke into a rash 30 minutes later; two hours later, he was pronounced dead, 7 News reports.

Despite plans to fly Jordan from Mount Gambier Adelaide, he had stopped breathing could not be revived.

“We love and miss you Jordan,” Jordan’s parents wrote on Facebook. “We’re gutted, sick and distraught.”


Speaking to 7 News, the boy’s parents say he had not been vaccinated for meningococcal because they could not afford it, leading to many to call for the vaccine to be more affordable.  

Meanwhile, in the Victorian government has extended a free meningococcal vaccination to year 10 students to help prevent the spread of the deadly disease, SBS reports.

You can donate to a GoFundMe page to raise money for Jordan’s funeral here.


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