It’s been a big week in Paradise and it’s not over yet. That’s right we’re being treated to four whole episodes of Bachelor In Paradise this week.
Last night saw Laurina reject the opportunity to take someone on a date, instead opting for a little pampering and relaxation. Go girl. (We’ve since found out that she chose to leave the show following this episode due to heartbreaking circumstances.)
Then there was the arrival of two new contestants in Elora, who Megan had her eye on and Simone, who sent Jarrod into a spin, both ladies were from Matty J’s season of The Bachelor.
Keira then goes on the rampage towards Grant after he tells Jarrod that she is stringing him along… drama.
Here are the best reactions to last night’s ep
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I've said it once and I'll say it again. Let's just take a look at the pattern of Jarrod's types here… #BachelorInParadiseAU
— Liv Morris (@liviamorris) April 10, 2018
Laurina has cracked the code of paradise. Eat, drink, journal, sleep in a hammock, don't let any of these gross boys touch you #BachelorInParadiseAU
— Dash Jayasuriya (@gameonmoll) April 10, 2018
— Osher Günsberg (@oshergunsberg) April 10, 2018
You wanted a beautiful woman to be interested in you.
Then I send Elora in, she asked you on a date, and you're not feeling it.
WHAT MORE CAN I DO? #BachelorInParadiseAU
Laurina saying that she doesn't want to go on a date because she'd rather go to bed is the most relatable thing that has ever happened on this show. #BachelorInParadiseAU
— Jodi McAlister (@JodiMcA) April 10, 2018
Laurina is a national treasure. Goes on a dating show and spent most of her time alone, reading a book. Incredible. #BachelorInParadiseAU
— Brodi Lucas (@brodilucas) April 10, 2018
As a dance-dad, I am here for Tara's dance-hands. #BachelorInParadiseAU
— Osher Günsberg (@oshergunsberg) April 10, 2018
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Laurina is literally napping her way through her #BachelorInParadiseAU experience and IT’S PERFECTION.
— PUNKEE (@itspunkee) April 10, 2018
— GRACE (@GraceGarde) April 10, 2018
Keira's on a rampage and Tara's like… #BachelorInParadiseAU
— Bachelor In Paradise Australia (@BachParadiseAU) April 10, 2018
Jarrod and Keira's relationship in a single GIF #BachelorInParadiseAU
— Bachelor In Paradise Australia (@BachParadiseAU) April 10, 2018
Dating tip: If all else fails, just laugh, a lot, at everything. #BachelorInParadiseAU
— Bachelor In Paradise Australia (@BachParadiseAU) April 10, 2018
On a scale of one to Jarrod, how excited are you that Simone's here? #BachelorInParadiseAU
— Bachelor In Paradise Australia (@BachParadiseAU) April 10, 2018
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