Not so long ago, a rather depressing study found that couples undergoing fertility treatment were more likely to break up.
Since then, there’s been a renewed focus on preventing stress and encouraging communication in relationships during the IVF process. And if this new study is anything to go by, it’s working wonders.
Presented to the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology annual meeting in Geneva and shared with Daily Mail, the study found that IVF doensn’t increase a couple’s risk of getting a divorce.

It looked at over 40,000 women having assisted reproduction treatment in Denmark between 1994 and 2009, and compared this group to one from the general population.
“Our results will be reassuring for couples who have had or are contemplating IVF,” study author Dr Mariana Martins, from the University of Porto, Portugal, told the Daily Mail.
She surmised that going through IVF can actually strengthen relationships, as it encourages communication and coping strategies.