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Mother Desperate For Answers After Eight-Year-Old Son’s Suicide

"She’s devastated that her son’s second-to-last day was so painful"

Ohio mother Cornelia Reynolds is desperate for answers after finding the body of her eight-year-old son, Gabriel Taye, hanging from his bunk bed.


Just two days earlier, on January 24, Gabriel was the victim of a merciless bullying attack in the bathroom of his elementary school.

According to Nine News, security footage shows Gabe being kicked and hit by a bully for more than five minutes. The brutal attack continued even after Gabriel was knocked unconscious.

Ms Reynolds is now taking legal action against Carson Elementary School, claiming the education department did not do enough to prevent her son’s death.

“I just feel like enough is not being done, and I feel like stuff is being swept under the rug,” she told WLWT.


Attorney Carla Leader told the Associated Press: “They (school officials) didn’t tell her the whole story. The school also said his vitals were fine and he was alert.”

Speaking to local radio station WLWT5, attorney Jennifer Branch added:

“If the school had told mom that ‘Your son was assaulted, ‘Your son had lost consciousness for seven minutes,’ she would have immediately taken him to the hospital and had him examined.


“She’s devastated that her son’s second-to-last day was so painful for him and that she didn’t know and that she couldn’t protect him.”

There have been no charges made against Gabe’s alleged attacker or the school.

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