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Riverdale Might Not Be On Netflix From 2020


There’s no doubting that Riverdale is one of our favourite shows. It’s got everything we want in a teen thriller series: romance, bear attacks, dangerous drug lords. You know, the usual. And while we’ve always relied on Riverdale being available on Netflix to stream every weekend, that might be changing.


For those who have been paying attention to streaming news (us!), we’ve noticed a little hiccup which might impact the way we can stream some of our favourite shows. And by favourite show we mean Riverdale.

According to news released by Warner Bros., the production company which makes Riverdale in the US, a new streaming platform is set to be released at the end of 2019 — populated only with Warner Bros. content. As per interviews with the CEO of Warner Media, John Stankey, this means some of our favourite shows produced by the company will start to leave other streaming services to favour this new one.

“Some incumbents in that space should expect their libraries are going to get a lot thinner,” Stankey told Variety. “Think about what happens in the next 18 to 24 months. We’re going to see a pretty substantial structural shift that is going to occur.

However, nothing is confirmed yet — and not all content from the company could be moved over. “We’re not going to take all of our content and hold it for ourselves,” Stankey said in the same interview. Netflix have confirmed to marie claire that Riverdale isn’t leaving any time soon. 


So while we don’t have any word yet on what this means for shows like Riverdale, The Bachelor and Supernatural, it does make us a little concerned that Riverdale won’t be as easy to access moving into 2020.

For now, let’s just try and get Varchie back together.

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