U.K. leaves EU. Scotland may leave UK. And to think it all started with the One Direction break up.
— Jim Gaffigan (@JimGaffigan) June 24, 2016
Fingers crossed this works… pic.twitter.com/YVW1jwmjUa
— Danny Wallace (@dannywallace) June 24, 2016
What just happened, explained with food.
— Camilla Schick (@CamJourno) June 24, 2016
H/T @nehedari @ibnezra #Brexit pic.twitter.com/8jVfTgDsfn
The North and the UK have a lot in common… #GameofThrones #Brexit pic.twitter.com/0VTY0nMww2
— Daenerys Targaryen (@Daenerys) June 27, 2016
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I made a political funny. #brexit #euref #whatsapp pic.twitter.com/zLr4dMRcIw
— Justine Stafford (@JustineStafford) June 24, 2016
This is 50 cent or as we like to call him In the UK 10,000 pounds pic.twitter.com/FD7dfXWCqd
— El Negro De Chopper (@ThatsNotE) June 24, 2016
#Brexit #EURefResults #VoteLeave #eureferendum pic.twitter.com/XHBxmdGbKj
— brbrbrbr (@aranjevi) June 24, 2016
Just saw this #Brexit meme and had to share 🇬🇧 pic.twitter.com/DfQ3skyzLh
— Robert Garcia (@RobertGarcia) June 24, 2016
To celebrate another #Brexit, for one day only, bring a 3rd bag on board (must match this one) #ENGISL #RyanairEuros pic.twitter.com/A0EYodKk4Q
— Ryanair (@Ryanair) June 27, 2016
Have to admit the response to #ScotLond that's amused me the most was from Britain First pic.twitter.com/hLDrUNZ2xC
— Michael Shaw (@MrMichaelShaw) June 26, 2016
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How do I tell them?? #Brexit pic.twitter.com/6Y7hRIKINi
— James Offer (@joffley) June 24, 2016
If you're ever having a bad day at work remember you're not David Cameron and you didn't unintentionally lead the UK out of the EU.
— Jamie Ross (@JamieRoss7) June 24, 2016
Holy shit, they replaced David Cameron with a cat. pic.twitter.com/0r7KouIHW1
— ⭐️bex schwartz (@starbex) June 24, 2016
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