Your Weekly Horoscopes Are Here! March 20 – March 27

See what's in store
If you celebrate your birthday this week:
Your Year Ahead
Although Ariens have a natural tenacity and ambition running through their veins, your insecurities can be stirred by a dose of envy.  For now, there’s no immediate antidote.  There’ll always be someone wealthier, wittier and wiser – the trick lies in recognising your own talents and exploiting them.  In matters of love, singles feel more inclined to build a career rather than settling down – it’s a year for playing the field.  For couples, stronger family involvement is heightened and, whether by choice or circumstance, an addition to the family or a change of residence is likely – perhaps even interstate or overseas.  
Aries (March 21 – April 20)
Best Day:   Sunday 22nd
When reality doesn’t fit in with your expectations, you might feel tempted to blame others. One thing’s for sure, we all see things in different ways – and few of us have the power to read each other’s minds.  Spell your thoughts out more clearly next time; and if necessary – compromise.  Forgive, too.    
Taurus (April 21 – May 20)
Best Day:  Monday 23rd
Slow down, Taurus. Take a break and give yourself a chance to rest.  If a reconciliation is necessary, make an effort to forgive and forget.  In return, something that has seemed daunting may suddenly turn into a simple exercise – thanks to the generosity of a colleague or friend.  Love could also be yours for the taking….if you play nice.
Gemini (May 21 – June 21)
Best Day: Thursday 26th
Here’s a week when one detour leads to another.  If coupled, you might want more independence, but be sure to give your partner the same freedom.  Singles can expect love that’s short and sweet and for now, that’s the way you like it.   Should the planets argue for a career change, don’t ignore them.  Be grateful for any timely guidance.  
Cancer (June 22 – July 22)
Best Day:  Saturday 21st
After feeling as if you’ve been walking on financial quicksand, this week brings you comfortably back on solid ground.  You’re also better able to appreciate how previous setbacks served you.  With hindsight, you can turn past mistakes into future triumphs.  Even recent health issues should start to ease.  Find what you love doing, and enjoy it.  
Leo (July 23 – August 23)
Best Day:  Wednesday 25th
This week home is where the heart is.  It’s is a time to nurture those you love, and draw new love to you.  You may also feel a greater need to have a place of your own.  Money may be spent on entertaining at home; with some upgrading or DIY thrown in for good measure.  Just avoid the usual tendency to overspend.
Virgo (August 24 – September 22)
Best Day:  Tuesday 24th
If there’s to be any conflict, look to relationships.  Mostly because the planets are meddling where they shouldn’t.  Even so, take this chance to express unresolved anger – but in a constructive way.  As peace returns towards late week, you again head in a positive direction.  But if still feeling unsure, sympathetic friends lend a comforting shoulder.
Libra (September 23 – October 23)
Best Day:  Friday 20th

Librans need little coaxing to enjoy life – it’s what you do best.  And that’s what this week seems to be all about – good old-fashioned fun and luck.  Standby for a happier social life, as relationships look set to flourish.  Later in the week, try to balance your work and personal life.  A fated attraction could also help your career, with the possibility of travel.

Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)
Best Day:  Thursday 26th
No one can accuse you of not pulling your weight.  You’ve been working long and hard, so stay primed for a special surprise. Perhaps a pay increase, or a small lotto win?  Many Scorpios also seem to be back in touch with every friend on the planet.  Singles may find romance through family connections.  Fun follows.
Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)
Best Day:  Wednesday 25th
You know your strengths, but occasionally – they abandon you. In a way it’s like stage fright – where the ability to perform is overridden by self consciousness. Not so this week – which allows most Sagittarians to make a fabulous impression in dazzling style.  Update your image and pay closer attention as to who appears on your scene.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 20) 
Best Day: Sunday 22nd
If you’ve been hoping to reap financial rewards, then start planting the seeds.  Right now your imagination’s firing, and so is your energy.  Just make sure the left hand knows what the right is doing – whether it be yours or someone else’s. Though some cosmic forces might try to slow professional progress, Capricorn determination wins through.
Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)
Best Day:  Monday 23rd
You’re probably feeling better, Aquarius – as there’s a noticeable increase on your “can-do” list. This could be some higher spiritual element creeping into the equation. What ever’s happening, you’re tapping into something extraordinary.  With good fortune on side as well, why not take a risk or two?  Use all blessings to your advantage.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Best Day:  Saturday 21st
The planets encourage a more intuitive approach.  A barrage of new thoughts and creative solutions fill your mind.  Just be wary of those who would exploit you.  Don’t be influenced about how to feel, or what to believe.  Stay true to you.  Also remember: you can’t help those who refuse to be helped.

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