Your Weekly Horoscopes Are Here! October 4th – October 11th

Libra season is here! ✨
If you celebrate your birthday this week, you share with:
Your Year Ahead
This year indicates a new career direction. The course you choose may not always be easy, but the promise of greater financial stability spurs you on.  First, you should clear away any professional debris.  A big ask, but don’t let it unnerve you.  This is simply your cue to be more assertive. You also develop a better awareness of your own goals and won’t let anyone steer you away from your true path.  Until, that is, the summers months when thoughts turn to romance.  As the temperatures rise, so will passions.  By December, someone special plays a fated role in your life.  You may have met this individual before, but this time you both take more notice.
Aries (March 21 – April 20)
Best Day:  Sunday 6th

Often, your best ideas remain dormant in your imagination.  Not so now.  The cosmos offers you blue skies and boundless horizons.  Some days this week, it all looks so good that you’re ready to promise almost anything to make the most of the moment.  Just use your common sense.   If already attached – love feels passionate, and very right.  

Taurus (April 21 – May 20)
Best Day:  Saturday 5th
Deciding whether or not to give someone another shot is a challenge this week. Expect some uneven bursts of emotion, as you initially succeed in going with the flow, only to perhaps have a reality check dash your hopes. You might also get mixed signals and wonder whether or not you’re making a mistake.  For now, it could be hard to tell. 
Gemini (May 21 – June 21)
Best Day:  Monday 7th

Though you’d prefer to shift into neutral, the cosmos asks that you continue in fast gear.  You’ve been doing it tough for some time.  Illness, work pressures, family matters – too many demands have drained that wondrous spirit.  Thankfully, better moments lie ahead.  Late week offers financial opportunities, new love or renewed sentimental ties.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)
Best Day:  Tuesday 8th

Seems almost everything needs fixing right now – from your bank balance to your love life. In your defence, it might be pretty hard to know what’s really going on.  Others can be misleading. In the same way, you may be misunderstood. This shouldn’t however, lead to a disastrous week.   After all, being forewarned is being forearmed.

Leo (July 23 – August 23)
Best Day:  Sunday 6th
Love wins a generous time slot, though there may also be some trickery in the heavens. This could mean that flirtations start to mean more than intended.  And chances are, it’ll be you who’s doing the tempting. Indeed, prudence doesn’t exactly spring to mind as your word of the week – “hedonistic” is closer to the mark.  A beguiling time.
Virgo (August 24 – September 22)
Best Day:   Wednesday 9th
After recent dramas, it would be wise pack a suitcase and take a break from life’s apparent urgencies.  Postpone stressful appointments.  Everything and everyone can wait, as you let self pampering take priority.  It’s also a week of less hurried romantic prospects.  Enjoy the pleasures of a slower, more tender touch.
Libra (September 23 – October 23)
Best Day:  Friday 4th
Your head spins with the number of activities and social engagements this week, as this is a fast-paced time.  Team efforts also get a real boost, even if the collective decision-making process can be a tad stressful.  Tempers may flare, but don’t forget that some fiery talk can also be productive – as long as everyone gets a chance with the microphone.
Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)
Best Day:  Tuesday 8th
Jupiter asks that you sort out your finances once and for all so you now have to be totally focused on money in order to thrive.  The upside:  promotions and pay rises seem likely – so stash any extra cash and you may just gain yourself a reprieve.  Love brings surprises, with romance possibly venturing towards being secretive.
Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)
Best Day:  Saturday 5th
It’s strange how sometimes you can feel invisible, as if people are walking straight past or through you.  Other times, you’re suddenly the centre of attention – when even strangers catch a second glance.  Well, this week you’re both visible and magnetic. The planets offer the right encouragement to catch up with old friends and enjoy some fun time out. 
Capricorn (December 22 – January 20) 
Best Day:  Friday 4th
For now, you should enjoy the luxury of having a well deserved lull in your life.  Next week brings a whirlwind of unusual situations and unexpected changes.  In the meantime, use any free time to relax, catch up with friends, pamper with health treatments or simply enjoy moments of inner peace.  
Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)
Best Day:   Thursday 10th

Recently, there have been too many broken promises and too much pressure.  No more.  As you step up the ladder of success, you won’t be lonely at the top.  Friends, family and colleagues all rally with you.  Romance becomes more exciting.  Whether you’re exploring full time passion or simply flirting, you’re ready to take risks.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Best Day:  Monday 7th

You have been carrying the weight of the world for too long, Pisces.  Rest and realign,  my weary friend – so that you can once again feel on top of the world, rather than buried beneath it.   Good fortune is coming your way on many levels in the next few weeks, but you must stay ahead of the game.  Best news?  Finances goals draw nearer.

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