Your Weekly Horoscopes Are Here! September 4th – September 10th

See what the stars have in store! ✨
If you celebrate your birthday this week:
Your Year Ahead
Virgos are known for being efficient and reliable.  On top of this you plan wisely and save, although sometimes it all seems too much effort for too little gain.  But you’ll soon breathe a sigh of relief as life’s frustrations start to ease.  With Jupiter gracing your sector of romance, you’re also more interested in love and fun.  These are wanton days,  For some months, Virgos actively search out all love prospects and drench them in mischief.  Through October, too, the Sun empowers your financial sector.  What follows is a surge forward for cash flow and professional progress.  Suddenly, all those years of hard work makes sense.  

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Best Day:  Friday 4th
Ambition seems to take priority this week, but it needs to correspond with careful planning.  When trying to turn opportunities into reality, it’s crucial to manage both your time and energy.  Perhaps you’re considering a career change, or you want to start a business of your own?   Whatever the case,  it’s time to raise your public profile.

Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

Best Day:  Sunday 6th
Recent times have been dramatic – you may have felt fragmented or out of control. Sometimes, though, it takes adversity to force a reshuffle.  When you refuse to instigate change – the cosmos will do it for you.  Jupiter encourages new studies.  Venus revives friendships, while Mars pushes for material and financial gain.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Best Day:  Wednesday 9th
Sharing the brighter and sassier side of your character comes naturally this week, as Geminis feel more drawn towards risk and adventure.   If unexpected offers come sailing in, you’re ready and keen to hop on board.  Fortunately, instinct will help you avoid any stormy seas as you intuitively sail in the right direction.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Best Day:  Friday 4th
A little flirtation is all well and good, but only to a point.  Someone could take your harmless remarks more seriously, expecting you to follow through.  On the flip side, is someone stringing you along?   Either way, if you’re not ready to go there – simply enjoy the attention and chemical reaction.   What’s the rush, anyway?

Leo (July 23 – August 23)

Best Day:  Sunday 6th
Leos are the most vibrant and energetic of the zodiac signs.  Ruled by the Sun, you radiate a warm, outgoing nature and rarely do anything by halves.  You’re a born leader; an initiator – someone who loves to act, to do, to bring about change.  But this week too much relentless ambition could be your downfall –  so slide into the shadows for a while.  

Virgo (August 24 – September 22)

Best Day:  Saturday 5th
It’s in your nature to save for a rainy day.  Good news indeed, at a time when the focus falls on money. Romance features just as strongly, so why not mix business with pleasure?  This week suggests love that’s attentive.  Singles flirt; couples renew their passions.  Friendships also grow, with established bonds becoming stronger

Libra (September 23 – October 23)

Best Day:  Wednesday 9th
You can be so hard on yourself, Libra – often giving out more love than you receive.  Those who attach “conditions” to their friendships are easy enough to find.  Take the next step – love those who think you are remarkable.  Wake up each day happy with who you are.   It’s not all that difficult.    Great love begins with yourself.

Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

Best Day:  Friday 4th
You may be overly sensitive to criticism this week, but your anxiety may have more to do with unresolved low self-esteem than with what’s been said.  Release your burden, Scorpio.  You have carried the weight of old wounds long enough.  Your smartest strategy is to reduce stress with nurturing self-care.   A day at the spa, perhaps?

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

Best Day:  Saturday 5th
Saturn keeps its steady hand on your shoulder to ensure a slow down in spending.  The same caution applies to your possessions – put everything under lock and key if you have to.  Hold onto what you’ve got, put nothing at risk and get derailed finances back on track.  Focus on earning money, Sagittarius – not squandering it.  

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20) 

Best Day:  Thursday 10th
A joint venture with a financially savvy partner could prove rewarding, although a clear understanding of each other’s role is a must.  Avoid “get rich quick” schemes and fast talkers.  The road to riches is not built overnight, Capricorn.  Take your time, work steadily, and you’ll soon be sauntering down that richly paved yellow brick road.  

Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)

Best Day:  Friday 4th
There’s every chance of this week suffering a truth famine.  A wise Aquarian might want to check whether they’re being fed fact or fiction.  Of course, there’s always the chance you didn’t hear the full story in the first place.  Check your sources; and then check them again.  Someone’s out to deceive you.  

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Best Day:  Sunday 6th
Pluto stirs up unexpected friction in your closest relationships.  Coupled Pisceans find themselves making both love and war, as your usual rock-solid partner or friend could suddenly get under your skin.  Singles, though, will enjoy having friends around – even those who make demands.   If extra cash comes your way, enjoy.  
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