
Elyse Knowles Reveals Her Day On A Plate And Exercise Routine

AKA exactly how to get those abs

Elyse Knowles is one of those people you never hear a bad word about. Whether it’s from those who know her personally, or from the general public of Australia who followed her on The Block, Elyse’s down-to-earth reputation precedes her. 


The Melbourne local, who became a face of Myer this year, has just added another accolade to her portfolio, announced this morning as the official brand ambassador for Seafolly.

Of course, anyone who’s seen Elyse’s Instagram will know the 26-year-old counts an incredible body as one of her many attributes, but she’s the first to admit that her new gig had her stepping up her game.

Below, we grill her in a quest to get at least a sixth of that six-pack.

What does a normal morning look like for you?

There is really no typical day for me but I try to keep a routine as much as I can. My ‘morning’ routine really starts the night before for me. Before bed, I always book a class or PT session for the next morning so I have to go. If I’ve made a commitment, I don’t want to let anyone down by not going


I wake up at 6am, jump in gym gear and drive to the gym without giving myself time to think. I then smash out a HIIT session and/or a weight class and head home with a smile on my face.

I have a glass of Vital All-in-One every single morning. Just two teaspoons in a glass of water and I know I am getting all the nutrients I need for the day. So easy! I then make breakfast. 

By this stage, my dog is usually staring at me wagging her tail so we go to the beach. I walk her for 45min to an hour each day. I adore this time this time as it is more meditation for me. Completely switching off, embracing the environment and the happiness of my dog, Isla. 

Then it’s home to get ready and head to work!


What does your weekly workout regime look like? 

At the moment it looks like: 

Monday: PT session with a focus on lower body weights, plus walking the dog. 


Tuesday: HIIT class and maybe some upper body weights, plus walking the dog. 

Wednesday: HIIT class and walking the dog. 

Thursday: PT session with a focus on lower body weights, plus walking the dog.

Friday: HIIT class and maybe some upper body weights, plus walking the dog.


Saturday: Being a weekend, Joshy and I love to go for a long bike ride and walk the dog.

Sunday: Walk the dog.

What’s your favourite workout?  

I’m really loving working out with weights at the moment. My trainer works me hard and I can still feel the burn days later which means it’s paying off. 


What is the workout that gives you results the fastest? 

For my body type, I think it has to be HITT classes. The HITT classes I go to have a mix of cardio and weights, so it is a good all-rounder. I get super competitive with myself too, always trying to better than what I did last week or a few days ago. 

And the abs?! 


I laugh a hell of a lot… does that count? Another ‘exercise’ would be the one when you are lying on the ground with your hands under your bum and raising your legs upwards in a crouching position.  I don’t know the technical name of it but it certainly gets my lower and upper abs burning!  

What’s your usual day on a plate?   

Glass of Vital All-in-One with water; 

Eggs, spinach, goats cheese and pesto, plus almond chai latte with honey for breakfast;


Fruit or nuts for a mid-morning snack;

Salad or some type of smoothie bowl for lunch;

Vegetables and healthy dip for an afternoon snack; 

Protein (I love fish, especially salmon) with vegetables for dinner;


Lots and LOTS of water (I love drinking hot water) throughout the day. 

Is there anything you always avoid? 

I dont drink coffee, I never have. I saw how people became reliant on stimulants, such as caffeine, and never wanted to become like that. I also hardly ever drink, mainly because it’s just not something I enjoy.


What’s your motto when it comes to healthy living? 

really don’t go by any rules or diets and prefer instead to listen to my body and let it tell me what it needs. If I had to nominate one ‘rule,’ it would just be to try to eat as clean and healthy as possible… ideally organic, but that’s just me.  

Being the new ambassador for Seafolly means you have to stay in pretty good shape all year round. What are your tips for staying motivated in winter? 

Working with an amazing client such as Seafolly is an incredible opportunity, so I do want to put in the effort to feel (and look) my absolute best. I have dreamed of working with Seafolly for so many years that I consider it an honour and privilege to have to stay in shape! 


Believe it or not, when I was training before this recent Seafolly campaign I would literally repeat the word ‘Seafolly’ in my head over and over to motivate me to push the extra mile. I certainly didn’t want to let them down on shoot day! 

elyse knowles

What are your tips for feeling confident in a bikini?  

For me, confidence comes when my mind and body are both in a positive harmony. I feel most body confident when I am eating well, staying fit and strong, gets lots of sleep and drinking lots of water. But my mind also has to be taken care of.


I nurture my mental health with exercise but I also find a lot of peace and happiness in the outdoors, spending time with loved ones, taking time to rest and relax. Just find what works for you. After that, put on that bikini and OWN it!

RELATED: Jesinta Franklin Reveals Her Day On A Plate

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