
Jourdan Dunn On Getting Past Body Insecurities And How She Stays In Shape

The Victoria's Secret alum speaks, we listen

Jourdan Dunn has held her own as one of the world’s biggest supermodels for well over a decade. Since the tender age of 15, the British bombshell has been gracing the cover of the world’s biggest magazines and runways – from Victoria’s Secret to Balmain – and now the mother-of-one is turning her sights to the world of design, celebrating the release of her second fashion collection with Missguided, LONDUNN. 


We sat down to chat with the 27-year-old It-girl about diversity, motherhood, Beyoncé, and everything in between.

How do you find designing fashion as opposed to modelling it? What’s your inspiration behind this new collection?

I have been lucky enough to work with some of the best designers in the world, and I have seen them design incredible collections. Being able to wear those clothes is a real honour but when I am away from work, and dressing myself, I’m particular in what I like – I know exactly what I am looking for when I shop, and I know how I like things to look and feel. 

I don’t always follow the latest fashion trends, I like to wear what I like, and I love that I can make clothes that I like to wear and make me feel confident. One of my life mantras is that fear is not an option, and this is what this collection encompasses. I have a mix of really comfortable luxe outerwear with a couple of daring dresses and crop tops, and bold silver thigh-high boots. 


While you’ve broken huge diversity barriers in the industry, do you still think it has a long way to go? What would you love more of? Or to see a black model do?

It’s much better than it used to be, but I would love for there to not even be questions or attention about diversity in fashion. I would love it to be the norm to see an Asian girl on a fashion cover, or a black girl on a cover and no one points out that is diversity. I just want it to be normal for anyone – white, black, Asian, mixed – to work in the industry and all be on equal footing. 

jourdan dunn
Jourdan Dunn for her LONDUNN collaboration with Missguided

Skincare wise, what do you swear by to prep your skin before a big shoot or event?

The first thing is the most simple: I  steam my face with hot water, then use a face mask – I’ve been using Starskin recently. 


Do you have any weird beauty secrets you swear by or cheap go-to skincare/makeup products?

Steaming your face with hot water and using coconut oil as a cleanser.

What’s your favourite form of exercise? And how often do you work out in a normal week?

I try to work out three times a week, a mix of Kobox and Pilates, but it depends on my work schedule. 

Jourdan dunn
Jourdan Dunn for her LONDUNN collaboration with Missguided

What would your day on a plate look like?

Every day is so different – I literally never have two days that same. I can have one day where I have a clear plate, and I have time to focus on myself and read, get a facial and do a pilates class. Other days are so hectic, and my plate overflows! It could be anything from a 6am flight, to taking my son to school, to driving to a remote location for a shoot, or a late night at an industry dinner. 

If you could raid anyone’s wardrobe, whose would it be?


Victoria Beckham.

You had your son at 19, just four years into your career. How did you balance everything?

I was very lucky to have a strong support system to help me, between my management knowing I was a mum and respecting it, and my mum really helps me with Riley. 

You rose to the top at such a young age, what’s the biggest ‘pinch me’ moment of your career?


Being in two of Beyoncé’s music videos. I still don’t quite believe that she picked me to be in her video. It still doesn’t feel real. 

jourdan dunn
Jourdan Dunn for her LONDUNN collaboration with Missguided

Have you been starstruck by anyone?

Beyoncé. I was at the Met Ball, and she waved to me from across the red carpet, I looked behind me thinking she was waving to someone else, but it was just me. she actually waved at me and then came up to chat to me. Every time I meet her I am still star struck. 


How did you deal with body insecurities going into the fashion world? Do you still feel insecure or are you more comfortable in your skin now?

I have my moments, one day I can be feeling like I am amazing and great, and another day I can feel awful, but I just try not to focus on my flaws and focus on the parts of me that I like.

What’s the one piece of advice you’d give your teenage self?

Stand tall and just be you.


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