People Who Are Always Late Are Likely To Live Longer

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Woman in a gray coat, looking at her watch while holding a smartphone, standing in a city street with white buildings.

Being late might is considered one of those traits which is, well, undesirable in a person. From missing an important moment to stalling everyone else’s plans due to tardiness, being late can have more negative impacts on the world than being, say, on time does. But it doesn’t stop certain people from continuing to be late. As it turns out, those people aren’t all wrong.

There’s some good news for those of us who just can’t help but be a little late to the party, with research suggesting latecomers are likely to be more relaxed and optimistic than their on-time counterparts, essentially leading to a happier and more successful life.

According to Harvard Medical School, people who have an optimistic and “cheerful disposition” are more likely to live longer — a trait associated with being late, and therefore more optimistic about your time management.

“More impressive is the impact of a positive outlook on overall health and longevity. Research tells us that an optimistic outlook early in life can predict better health and a lower rate of death during follow-up periods of 15 to 40 years,” the study said. Meaning that yes, thinking you can fit in pulling off 10 jobs in the space of an hour might not be as stupid as you think it is. In fact, the optimism might just add 40 years to your life — if your boss doesn’t kill you first.

According to Southern Living, your type of personality can also play a part in your stress-less state of mind. Those with a type A personalities (on time, generally) are more likely to perceive time as being passed quickly, while those with type B personalities, who are known to be creative, perceive time as going much slower. In the end, the one who is less concerned with getting somewhere on time is likely to be happier.

The moral of the research? Maybe don’t be late — for the sake of your friends, colleagues and family — but do try and stress less.

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