
This Breastfeeding Mother Had The Perfect Response After Being Told To ‘Cover Up’

This is so brilliant.

A photo of a mum who was told to ‘cover up’ while breastfeeding has gone viral – because it’s bloody brilliant.


Melanie Dudley, a mother-of-three was feeding her newborn baby in a café during a holiday in Mexico when she was approached by a man who asked her to “cover up”.

“I was on vacation in Cabo San Lucas with my entire family and a man asked me to cover myself,” Dudley told Yahoo Lifestyle.

“I’m usually discreet but we were seated in the back of the restaurant.”


Dudley says she then asked her husband for a cover, but instead of using it to cover her breast, she used it to cover her head.

Her proud mother-in-law took a snap and shared the photo on Facebook.

“I love my daughter-in-law so much!!! Someone told her to ‘cover up’ while she was feeding my grandson #5 in a restaurant!!”

A friend then shared the photo and it quickly went viral with over 100,000 likes and 181,000 shares. 


While with any breastfeeding debate the negative comments come in hard and fast, there were many supporting her over the stance.

I love this! Women have breasts for only one reason; to nurse their young. No one ever expects any other mammal to “cover up” while feeding their young. Why do humans? Go girl!

Too funny! It’s nice to see a bit of humor in a world of ignorance 🙂

If it makes you ‘uncomfortable’, don’t look.. easy peasy! It’s hard enough on a woman to have just given birth to life but then to have to worry about someone being uneasy as they feed their child, get a life… I think this is awesome! 


Meanwhile on the red carpet at the latest and greatest showbiz party/ celebration there are women showing more boob than any breastfeeding Mum ever has, ever will. But that’s perfectly acceptable!!!!

Breastfeeding is the best thing you can do for your child. Their needs are more important than some uptight clueless man. Whip it out and feed those babies.

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