‘Dress Up Friday’ Is The New Instagram Trend Getting Us Out Of Our Fashion Funk

Perfect timing

Remember the times when Fridays used to mean something? Us either. By now you’ve probably become accustomed to loungewear, elasticised waistbands and developed a hefty collection of fuzzy slippers. But a new trend is attempting to bring back that Friday Feeling, encouraging people to ‘Dress Up’ like they normally would for a night out on the town.

Enter: #DressUpFriday – a sweeping Instagram movement that’s helping the world get out of its fashion funk. Lucy Walsh (@_dressupfriday) started the trend, and it’s since had over 17,000 uploads worldwide. Dig deep into your neglected wardrobe and find the prettiest, most extravagant thing you can – pop it on, do your hair and makeup and voila! 

On top of being a great way to find some much-needed entertainment in these times, dressing for the day (or night) is also a great boost to your mental health. 

“Scores of women messaged me to say “thank you,” Walsh told GLAMOUR. “Many had been feeling really down and #DressUpFriday really lifted their mood. Choosing a nice outfit makes me feel slightly more normal in this abnormal situation and getting dressed up on a Friday is my version of self-care.”

So, do yourself a favour this Friday and get fancy! Below we’ve rounded up just a few of our favourite looks so far. 

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