
Your Horoscopes For Februry 2017

See what the stars have in store for you this month...



January 20 to February 18

Aquarians are ambitious, but even though both skill and social connections have value, success also depends on commitment. So when you make a new plan, stick with it. Socially, you’re a natural. The planets boost intellectual vigour, but also the occasional challenge. The old cliché about catching more flies with honey than with vinegar springs to mind. It’s also a great time to update your image. If any caution is needed, it will involve finances. Thanks to a spend-happy cosmos, you suddenly want everything you see – including new playmates.

AFFIRMATION FOR THE MONTH: For every ending, there’s a new beginning.

THIS MONTH, PRIORITISE… Realising ambitions. There’s no better time for achieving goals. Don’t let the fear of failing stop you from trying.


POWER DATES: February 14 and 21 


February Horoscopes



February 19 to March 20

February finds you more secretive, or maybe just not inclined to share your feelings; others should respect this. If you’re feeling lost or lonely, solace may be sought through drugs or alcohol. You may hear from people from the past – whatever happens, make some quiet time just for you.


March 21 to April 20


Step cautiously – particularly around the 15th, when your emotions run wild. Perhaps your inner voice isn’t as all-knowing as usual. It may therefore be wise to listen to others. Not everything is cause for concern; the cosmos sets the scene for romance. With finances on side, the odd luxury is a must.


April 21 to May 20

It’s a time to nurture those you love. You may also feel a need to have a place of your own. Money may be spent on entertaining at home, with some DIY thrown in for good measure. Just avoid the usual tendency to overdo. Don’t overspend and don’t promise more than you can deliver.



May 21 to June 21

If you’ve anything to announce to the world, do it now. You’re in the mood to tell it like it is. Insights come out of the blue, so dream big. At the same time, collaborate your way towards success. Just be sure to give everyone equal attention to avoid hurt feelings.



June 22 to July 22

No-one has a completely drama-free existence – we’ve all made mistakes. Consider “errors” of judgement as learning tools towards wisdom and compassion. Forgive others and yourself – leave the old baggage behind and keep moving forward. There is so much more to experience and love.




July 23 to August 22

It’s a Leo kind of month – all fire and action. Should you find yourself up against determined minds, stop and listen. You can learn from others, though, if necessary, you can go on the offensive. Social invitations become easier to accept. A curiosity might also be satisfied by travel or romance.


August 23 to September 22


Early February may not go as you would like, which could leave you feeling uneasy. But don’t get into a tizz. Remember that energy follows thought: what you think or feel is what you get. The more positive your thought and actions, the better.


Libra September 23 to October 22

Does the past seem more alluring than the present? Don’t be too stuck in nostalgia; it can shut out today’s reality. If you’ve experienced a loss, this is a normal stage in mourning. But come back soon, you’re needed in the here and now.



October 23 to November 21 

This is a courageous month for Scorpios, especially when it comes to travel and new ventures. If prepared, you may soon be treading more lucrative paths. But there’s still risk involved, so be sure to make provision for sudden detours. If plans are delayed, don’t let this ruin a potentially fun month. The best things in life are still free.



November 22 to December 21

It’s great to be loved, but Sagittarians can also feel trapped – usually when they’re being taken for granted. In this case, you might want to take a leave of absence. Right now, too, you want the truth, and will look for answers. What you discover could leave you speechless.


December 22 to January 19


Who’d blame you for giving up on love? But sometimes you expect too much. Occasionally, our protective mechanisms hide vulnerabilities, but can also shut out others. Free the chains and you have a chance of finding your soulmate. At work, keep colleagues away from private matters.

Click here for more from Astrologer Tanya Obreza.

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