
Your Weekly Horoscopes Are Here: May 18th – May 25th

See what the stars have in store

If you celebrate your birthday this week:


Your Year Ahead

This birthday season brings more than its usual surprises. You have been starved of passion for far too long, but not so now. Expect romance, and perhaps unexpected gifts.  All in all, this promises to be one of your happier years. Get ready for new love, a new job or more money.  Even if there’s a conflict of interests between business and pleasure, simply follow your instincts.  One warning: it seems that Cupid has little regard for anyone’s relationship status, so love could be a secret affair.  Discretion is the key.  


Aries (March 21 – April 20)


Best Day: Friday 18th

Just when you’re searching for a deeper meaning in life, the world shows itself to be more shallow than you’d imagined. Partners could easily play a part in this. Don’t worry. Nothing’s permanent – disappointment included. Even though that right sense of balance can be elusive, luck turns your way after the 23rd.


Taurus (April 21 – May 20)


Best Day: Thursday 24th

Despite this week’s busy workload, you remain undaunted.  More than ever, you’re ready to exploit your talents to the full.  But in your enthusiasm, be sure to monitor that fine line between efficiency and burnout.  Delegate and share responsibilities.  In romance, prepare for the unexpected. Sometimes, love simply happens.


Gemini (May 21 – June 21)


Best Day:  Sunday 20th

A good deal of your motivation is now fuelled by salary.  Basically, you want more to spend and you’re prepared to be far more inventive about ways you can earn it. But you are tiring of taking responsibility for others’ mistakes. At times, it seems as if their lives remain deliberately disorganised.  Don’t be available next time they call.  


Cancer (June 22 – July 22)


Best Day:  Wednesday 23rd

This week brings hope and optimism. Doors previously closed open, creating sensational opportunities. This is welcome news for those who have been doing it tough lately.  For now, you can confidently juggle personal and professional responsibilities.  Being more health conscious, you’re also keen to look and feel better.


Leo (July 23 – August 23)


Best Day:  Saturday 19th

Every now and then we have complications we don’t really want to deal with, and more recently Leos have developed a knack of dropping them in the “too hard” basket. It’d be nice if life’s troubles simply slipped away, but chances are they won’t.  So perhaps it’s time to slip back into a routine and finish what you’ve started.  


Virgo (August 24 – September 22)


Best Day:  Monday 21st

You’ve an uncanny knack to hit the bypass switch on tension. Sure you suffer stress just like the rest of us, but a different kind of catalyst triggers your neuroses. So in a week when many suffer an anxiety overdose, most Virgos safely negotiate rough terrain.  Relationships hit a high note, especially with partners and children.


Libra (September 23 – October 23)


Best Day:  Friday 18th

There are enough forces still pushing the work ethic this week, but this may not really be your priority. The same can be said for frugality.  Despite what the bank balance suggests, you’re more in the mood for extravagance.  Cash arrives, but there seems small chance of it accruing interest. What we’re more likely to see is an expensive new wardrobe.


Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)


Best Day:  Wednesday 23rd

Change is an essential ingredient in your life, but this week you’ll probably feel more comfortable among familiar faces, doing familiar things. Also worth noting: should you suspect someone is testing the parameters of honesty, it’s time for a candid heart to heart.  Stay smart, and don’t accept any more imaginative remodelling of the truth.


Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)


Best Day:  Tuesday 22nd

At last there’s an honest breath of fresh air in your relationships, allowing you to comfortably be yourself.  This week offers an easier run, though there are no promises regarding how long this will last.  If new love makes an entrance, it’s most likely through an unusual connection, someone from overseas or with a vastly different lifestyle.


Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)


Best Day:  Thursday 24th

Work-life balance is a challenge this week. Stress at home could interfere with work – especially if you feel pulled in different directions.  No more letting others tell you what’s what. If you tend to put other people ahead of yourself, this could be a blessing in disguise, as you finally say “no” to people taking advantage of your strength.


Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)


Best Day:  Saturday 19th

Mars ushers in an higher level of self confidence.  What you gain is the courage of your convictions – no apologies needed.  Ambitions increase – as do rewards.  Just take care not to overextend yourself financially. Cash is just as likely to pour out in the other direction – so be prepared to walk a discriminative financial line.


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)


Best Day:  Monday 21st

This week has a special mission:  to show just how courageous and capable you really are.  It’s probably fair to say there’s a warrior spirit inside all of us, but it’s generally an attribute that Pisceans suppress. True, your innate empathy douses many a heated situation, but sometimes you can over water the flame.  Show your strength.  

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