
Your Weekly Horoscopes Are Here: April 27 – May 4

See what the stars have in store...

If you celebrate your birthday this week:


Your Year Ahead

You don’t always have to do things the hard way, Taurus.  Indeed, the next year need not be all work and no play – the planets suggest a touch of mischief. Sexually, you become very alluring. Just don’t confuse emotional security with financial security – the two are quite separate.   Later this year, you may bump into an old lover or friend. As delightful as this may seem, don’t lose that wonderful earthy pragmatism.  Nostalgia might not totally cloud your judgement, but it can still leave you too vulnerable. 


Aries (March 21 – April 20)


Best Day:  Thursday 3rd

If people are suddenly sniping at you, it’s because you’ve only just come into their sights.  Getting noticed has its problems, but at least it means you’re sitting in the spotlight.  Others might seem talented in areas you want to excel at, but you needn’t clone their actions. For a start, no one’s perfect.  More importantly, you’ve your own special abilities.


Taurus (April 21 – May 20)


Best Day:  Sunday 29th

Whether you’re walking a monetary maze, or perhaps there are problems at work – get yourself sorted.  Unfortunately, your sign isn’t noted for its saintly patience.  Don’t rush – take all the time you need.  And remember that everyone has a right to their own opinions. So if harbouring negative notions, keep them to yourself.  They may not be justified.


Gemini (May 21 to June 21)


Best Day:  Tuesday 1st

If waiting for good fortune, this could be your lucky week – both financially and emotionally. So mark the 30th as the beginning of some much needed retail therapy.  Positive change should also bring a deeper understanding of what you truly want from life.  Be prepared to share.  The more you give, the more you get.


Cancer (June 22 – July 22)


Best Day: Friday 27th

Why can’t everyone be as reasonable as you?  Perhaps world peace wouldn’t seem so elusive.  But don’t worry about the grander issues of life just now.  There are more urgent matters in your own back yard to attend to.  Should a close friend or relative request help, offer support – but in a way that encourages them to become more independent.


Leo (July 23 – August 23)


Best Day:   Sunday 29th

Daily routine is happily abandoned when you fall into the company of exciting new friends.  For singles, the cosmos conjures up someone especially interesting.  For those already coupled, passions reach boiling point – then settle to a steady simmer.  With much of work on hold, discover more leisurely ways of spending the week ahead.


Virgo (August 24 – September 22)


Best Day:  Saturday 28th

If your love life is feeling shaky, you may be drawn towards firmer ground.  This might offer less romance, but consider the up-side.  After all, it might be nice to settle into a drama-free week.  Here’s a chance to let your mind stop spinning, and find a new kind of comfort zone.  Still, not everything stays steady.  Experiment.  You’ve earned your freedom. 


Libra (September 23 – October 23)


Best Day:  Thursday 3rd

Everything has an upside – something worth remembering this week. Although usually positive, your affirmative batteries need a quick top up.  Thankfully, though, it seems your inner spirit has yet to desert you.  The real problem is you’re feeling vulnerable. When life becomes this confusing, it can help to take a quick break – particularly after the 2nd.  


Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)


Best Day: Monday 30th

Expect the odd power struggle at work or home this week, where professional or legal matters make their presence felt.  Luckily, you’re armed with the courage and willingness to meet obstacles head on.  For others, heart strings are tugged by the decision to relocate.   If separation is unacceptable, consider taking loved ones with you. 


Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)


Best Day:  Wednesday 2nd

Money matters no longer seem to be a constant thorn in your side. Your competitive spirit shows an aggressive edge, but this will serve you better than simply falling in line with others. You’ll delight at your new-found ability to harass and hustle until you finally get your way.  Even when obstacles challenge your confidence, the cosmos spurs you on.


Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)


Best Day:  Saturday 28th

It’s a week to be cautious because you or another may be unscrupulous. You may be running away from an unresolved issue, or someone could cheat you out of something that’s rightfully yours. An envious colleague may also try to make you look bad, just to boost their own reputation.  End result: head-on conflict.   So much for peace and quiet.


Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)


Best Day:   Monday 30th

Not sure how to tackle a delicate situation?  Just be tactful.  Don’t worry if you say something that causes resentment.  Your antagonists will eventually be blessed with the right level of insight – and then you’ll be deeply thanked.  Perhaps even rewarded.  No surprises either, if this period mixes business with pleasure. 


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)


Best Day:   Wednesday 2nd

Show others just how determined you are to enjoy life.  Saturn may still try to douse enthusiasm but even life’s sterner lessons should work in your favour.  It’s true what they say, that hardships can often be blessings in disguise. Be nourished by the courage of your own spirit.   And you shouldn’t rule out the possibility of travel – local or overseas.

By Tanya Obreza:

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