
Your Weekly Horoscopes

See what the stars have in store for you this week...

If you’re celebrating your birthday this week: 


Your Year Ahead

If you can keep your head together through months of renovations, negotiations and frantic spurts of industry, you’ll step into one of the most productive years of your life.  Financial matters also come to the fore.  Just don’t place too much faith in colleagues and friends, no matter what they promise.  Be confident that you can go it alone – but only until July, when solos find new suitors.  


March 21 to April 20


The cosmos offers you hearty encouragement to catch up with old friends and finally enjoy some time out. Those more carnally inclined should leave your particulars with Venus.  This love goddess is ready and able to point a delightful new someone your way.


April 21 to May 20


The cosmos advises against compromise this week – for good reason.  Being pushed into not-so-satisfactory situations or having to take the blame at work because of someone else’s mistakes is not acceptable.  Stand your ground and let destiny work in your favour.


May 21 to June 21

Geminis can be candid – sometimes too much so. Why should everyone know your business? Sure, there are plenty who want to – but believe me, it’s not their birthright. Keep some secrets to yourself.  Offer little more than your name, rank and serial number.



June 22 to July 22

This week is more inclined to give you a spiritual nudge rather than financial flow.  Take the compassionate route rather than the materialistic, and you could stumble across that ever-elusive inner dimension.  Maybe it’s not as deeply hidden as you think.



July 23 to August 22

Leo focus is fixed on finances right now, giving you an opportunity to increase income.  Start saving now and you’ll soon have plenty to spare for that proverbial rainy day.  Jobs connected with finances or the media do particularly well.  Ditto for those linked with health care.




August 23 to September 22

The truest test of character often arises in emergencies.  But is there really a crisis, or is someone being overly dramatic? Step back from the hysteria surrounding you and calmly reassess the situation.  It’s a fairly safe bet that the future’s not totally doomed.




Libra September 23 to October 22

Much as you’re trying to get back to normal, prepare for more disruption.  Communications are crossed, travel is tricky and payments are missed.  Is someone deliberately sabotaging your efforts?  Deeper investigation should shed light on the situation.


October 23 to November 21 


You don’t need a four-leaf clover in a week that promises many golden opportunities. But not everything will land in your lap. Expand horizons through travel or new studies. Or step out in search of a new job.  The cosmos helps those who help themselves.


November 22 to December 21

While your constitution doesn’t readily give in to illness, a downfall can be your love of good food and wine. At the best of times, diets come to a sticky, sweet end. Right now, try to cut down on food portions and maintain regular exercise. You’ll feel better for it.




December 22 to January 19

Telling it as it is just might help you get what you want this week. You could also be worried that an opportunity is passing you by.  Don’t worry; a seed has been planted.  Hard work and determination will do the rest.  From tiny acorns do might oaks trees grow.  



January 20 to February 18

Here’s a week when every move, whether its upward or wayward – makes for a more complete you.  Aquarians effectively want carte blanche to be themselves.  Should emotional issues invade relationships, perhaps some ground rules need changing.



February 19 to March 20

New career opportunities suggest a reshuffle – and if prepared to accept a last-minute offer, you could land yourself a great new job.  But it’s not all work and no play.  With romance flourishing, couples develop a deeper commitment; singles may find someone new.

Click here for more from Astrologer Tanya Obreza.

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