
Your Weekly Horoscopes Are Here! August 20th – August 26th

See what the stars have in store ✨
If you celebrate your birthday this week:

Your Year Ahead

Saturn continues to be your best ally in all matters professional this year; and with lucky Jupiter alongside, there’s surprisingly little resistance to your plans.  Be ready when offered a few unusual opportunities.  And through exploring unchartered territory, you’ll rediscover your true potential. If there’s cash to spare, think about investing in bricks and mortar. You may also find fruition in a project or idea instigated seven years ago. This time, have more faith in its chance of success.   Always expect the best. In matters of the heart, singles expand sexual frontiers.  Couples become more risqué.

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Best Day:  Monday 23rd

You may be feeling restless, but don’t force things to happen.  It’s often easier to simply go with the flow.  Should obstacles appear, see them in the same light as opportunities.  Life is a constant dance, Aries.  So choose the rhythm that offers you genuine joy, and know that all paths lead to the same place – your greatest good.


Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

Best Day:  Thursday 26th
Maybe you’re surrounded by bullies, Taurus.  Maybe you’re dealing with sheer stubbornness.  Whatever the case, it seems that someone around you is behaving badly.  Don’t let them get you down.  In any case, you’re clever enough to find a way around their petulance.   In doing so, you watch those tables turn.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Best Day:  Sunday 22nd
Much can be accomplished this week. But as always, genuine effort is needed. For some, health is put under the microscope – with exhaustion or dubious dietary practices being areas of concern.  Cash flow could also become a problem.  Don’t fuss over what you don’t have.  It’s love, support and friendship that are the real riches in life.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Best Day:  Wednesday 25th
Here’s a week of opportunity.  Determination continues to push you forward, so throw all  your might into a potentially lucrative project.  It’s also a time of Cancerian single-mindedness. Should someone try to block or derail you, anger will follow and heated words exchanged.   Whatever happens, it should be a week to remember.   

Leo (July 23 – August 23)

Best Day:  Friday 20th
Have you noticed how some individuals can be likened to a black hole? They’ll happily draw you into their mass of personal chaos, with zero concern over the possible effects on you.  So stay well clear of their presence.  There are friendlier places to be.  The Sun also lends an uncanny financial instinct.  Earning power soon soars.  

Virgo (August 24 – September 22)

Best Day:  Sunday 22nd
This week it’s a case of lucky with money but perhaps, unlucky in love.  Career ambitions should proceed as planned, but your satisfaction may be slightly clouded by trouble with someone you love.  Perhaps you’ve been devoting too much time to work, and not enough time for play.  Don’t take loved ones for granted.    

Libra (September 23 – October 23)

Best Day:  Monday 23rd
It’s a week for working behind the scenes, Libra.  You set your schedule by the creativity of your soul.  Inspiration is your manna, perspiration is your pay off.  Don’t expect to reach your goals this week, but do expect to set the scene for future success.  Most people don’t know that you’re one of the most artistic signs.  They will soon enough.  

Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

Best Day:  Thursday 26th
Half the world is talking about cutting workload.  According to social futurists, we’re all meant to be “downsizing”.  We’re supposed to value our leisure time more, especially during these difficult times.  Seems that you haven’t really taken this message to heart, as you continue to slog through the workload.  Get off the treadmill for a while.  

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

Best Day:  Saturday 21st
It’s an ambitious week, but if you want something done – do it yourself.  Delegate a project, and it may never be completed.  So for now, it’s best to fly solo.  Others are surprised by your sudden solitary approach, but at least you’ll get end results.  Finances?  They suggest an exciting detour – as does a very close well-wisher.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20) 

Best Day:  Friday 20th
Capricorn, you’ve postponed a particular decision long enough.  Now, it’s time to do something about it.  Sure, it pays to be prepared – and we all know practice makes perfect.  The big question is:  are you ready to give it a try?  You’ll only know by taking action.  If tensions do exist, they seem more to do with immediate family.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)

Best Day:  Saturday 21st
A secret could be exposed, Aquarius.  While you may feel a tad indignant at having your psyche placed on such public display – avoid any temptation to retaliate.  This is not a time to shoot whatever grace you have left in the foot.  The trouble with confronting bullies is that you risk acting the same way.   Be the better person.  

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Best Day:  Friday 20th
Finally, the world seems to be in tune with you.  Good news indeed, Pisces.  Instead of having to worry about pleasing others, you’ve more time to please yourself.  It’s also the start of revived ambitions, when you feel keen to break open padlocked dreams.  Cash flow starts to be replenished too, and that’s definitely something to look forward to.

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