
Your Weekly Horoscopes Are Here! September 3rd – September 9th

See what the stars have in store ✨
If you celebrate your birthday this week:

Your Year Ahead

What an extraordinary time it’s been, Virgo – a period of dramatic change.  You, more than anyone, have been vulnerable to the cosmic madness that’s plagued our planet.  Major changes affecting work and home have either merged these two interests or split them wide apart.  Either way, it’s been disruptive.  But here’s a year worthy of celebration. Love and professional matters appear back on course, with a delighted Jupiter cheering on both passion and financial flamboyance. The biggest surprise this year will be just how well you cope with the unexpected.  

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Best Day:  Monday 6th
Expect an all-or-nothing kind of week, with little middle ground.  The highs can bring surges of action – the lows, apathy, or even over-confidence and aggression.  If feeling energetic, immerse yourself in demanding activity – especially if you’re stuck at home.  Yes, you’re feeling frustrated – but so is everyone else.   

Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

Best Day:  Wednesday 8th
This week Taurus, you’re a natural socially – professionally too.  The old cliche about catching more flies with honey than with vinegar springs to mind.  It’s also a great time to update your image.  If any caution is needed, it will involve finances.  Thanks to spend-happy cosmos, you suddenly want everything you see.  

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Best Day:  Thursday 9th
Be careful not to confuse fantasy with reality this week.  Despite your reputation for being detached, there are deep inner depths hidden beneath that sometimes remote exterior.  This makes you a bit of a mystery, really.  And perhaps you prefer it that way.  After all, there’s no point in showing your entire hand, when one card at a time will do.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Best Day:  Sunday 5th
It’s a week to slam the door on inquisitive fingers.  Whether you see others’ attention as flattery, quality control or espionage – keep your best ideas to yourself.  With thinking processes clear and precise, use the latter half of the week to put new plans into motion.  Instinct will help you negotiate obstacles.  

Leo (July 23 – August 23)

Best Day:  Friday 3rd
Just when you thought everything was going well, yet another setback may test you.  Don’t panic.  You have the tenacity to get through this.  Most Leos work too long and too hard to even consider surrender.  You’re prepared to take all necessary measures to maintain a sense of stability – that’s what counts.

Virgo (August 24 – September 22)

Best Day:  Tuesday 7th
This week’s spirited sassiness can’t help but turn heads.  Business may mix with pleasure. Or perhaps a higher-up is instrumental in pushing you towards success. Whatever the case, right now you’re ambitious and talented enough to triumph.  If others resent your moment of glory, ignore them.  Push your aims skyward. 

Libra (September 23 – October 23)

Best Day:  Sunday 5th
Chances are you’ve felt restrained by regulations lately, but you’re now given a chance to break free.  Where others might hesitate before the fear of an uncertain future, you lead by example and show no doubt that you’re ready to move on.  This could mean letting some old grievances drop, so be ready to forgive and forget.

Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

Best Day:  Wednesday 8th
It’s the ethereal, rather than the material that captures your imagination this week.  Now that the pressure’s off work for a while, the focus steers towards spirituality and home.  Creativity, love and children is where your attention falls.  You work hard for your family, so take time to enjoy them too.  Dreams have significant meanings.

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

Best Day:  Thursday 9th
We live on a planet where not everyone will always agree.  End result?  A battle of wills.   Words may be spoken in haste and in hindsight, with regret.  Not to worry – time heals all.  The true test, however, comes in learning to overcome obstacles. When one way is blocked, find another.  When one method fails, devise a new one.  

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20) 

Best Day:  Friday 3rd

It’s one of those times when you feel like disconnecting your devices and locking your door.  But your reclusive behaviour shouldn’t be mistaken for the blues.  It’s more a case of needing some time out for contemplation.  With luck, everyone will respect that.  By week’s end a re-energised cosmos pushes on, and so do you.


Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)

Best Day:  Saturday 4th
You often produce your best results when working in a team effort.  Of course, it takes the right combination of people to bring about success, and this is where some problems might arise.  Finances, however, promise a much needed boost.  Or someone close does well in the cash stakes, and you get to share some of their spoils.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Best Day:  Tuesday 7th
This is a week of change, particularly regarding your image.  With charm and charisma peaking, prepare for a parade of admirers.  If attached, expect to be especially close to your partner.  At work, confidence coupled with creativity should also get most of your ideas noticed and appreciated.  And then, you can finally wind down for the weekend.

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