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Bruce Lehrmann To Stand Trial On Rape Charges

Here's what you need to know.
Bruce Lehrmann Toowoomba rape charges.Getty

Former liberal staffer Bruce Lehrmann has been committed to stand trial on rape charges.


The 29-year-old faces two counts of rape, which are alleged to have occurred in Toowoomba, Queensland in 2021.

During the committal hearings, the complainant gave evidence and was cross-examined in a closed court.

Bruce Lehrmann
(Credit: Getty )

The magistrate, Mark Howden, handed down his decision on July 4, stating that he found sufficient grounds to commit Lehrmann to trial.


“In my view, when considering the evidence as a whole, it is sufficient at this stage for me to reach a conclusion that a reasonable jury, properly instructed, could return a verdict of guilty,” Howden said.

Howden rejected Lehrmann’s lawyer’s argument that there was “no case to answer for.”

Lehrmann was also asked whether he wanted to say anything or enter a plea.

The former Liberal staffer responded with “not at this time, thank you, your Honour.”


The court was told that the complainant made her formal complaint the day after seeing the news coverage of the allegations by Brittany Higgins, realising he was the same man who she alleges raped her the month before in Queensland.

The trial will be held at Toowoomba District court with a date still to come.

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