Karen Walker Reveals The Winner Of Our Barbie ‘Outfit Of Dreams’ Competition

Drumroll please…

We asked and you delivered!

In celebration of Barbie’s birthday, we teamed up with Karen Walker and asked YOU to help us create Barbie’s ‘outfit of dreams’ — an outfit that celebrates creativity, self-expression and personal style. We invited kids (aged 12 and under) to be a part of the process and submit their ideas for an ‘outfit of dreams’ to inspire Walker.

karen walker barbie

This project is one that hits close to home for Walker. “I have had a close relationship with Barbie since the age of seven when I first got my Malibu Barbie,” she shares. “Judging Barbie’s ‘outfit of dreams’ was a lot of fun — when you see young people’s work, it’s always incredible.”

The prize? A custom-made Barbie outfit (crafted by Walker, no less!) along with a Barbie prize pack valued up to $200. We received over 400 colourful, creative and cutting-edge entries from junior creatives around the country.

The Winner

karen walker barbie

And the winner is — drumroll please! — Maddison Condick, age 10. “We went for the winning [entry] because of the silhouette. There was a really, really strong shape through the skirt and the sleeves that we thought we could execute beautifully,” Walker explains. “What we have is a beautiful silk taffeta gown with white sneakers and a cool attitude. It just reflects how people dress.”

Congratulations, Maddison!

Brought to you by Barbie.

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