What Does AAFW Stand For? Here’s What You Need To Know

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If you’re looking to attend fashion week in Australia, and all the beauty and creativity that comes with that, you may have stumbled along a particular acronym, AAFW.

It’s easy with a quick glance to figure out that like many fashion events all around the world, the FW stands for ‘Fashion Week’.

However, what is the AA?

Australian association? Australian apparel? Nope, not quite.

(Credit: Image: Getty)

The event was previously referred to as ‘Mercades-Benz Fashion Week Australia’ or MBFWA, if you remember, but since Afterpay has taken over as the lead sponsor of the event, it’s been called AAFW. Arguably, an easier acronym.

The event is an annual showcase and industry event, showing the latest designs of key labels in Australia.

This year, the AAFW will be hosted in May, from the 15th until the 19th and will centre mostly around the Carriageworks event space in Sydney. It will also contain some offsite shows, which will be held at different (and dramatic) locations across the city.

For those who did not know, Melbourne also hosts its own fashion event, Melbourne Fashion Festival, which is usually held annually in March.

(Credit: Image: Getty)

While AAFW is mostly invite-only, given the high demand for seats amongst industry followers, there are opportunities for members of the public to come along to some shows and get a taste of the event.

For the full run down on how you can attend the public shows and talks, simply click here.

Given that AAFW is also such a large event, there are a lot of companies and brands that like to get in on the action. For this reason, it’s also a great place to pick up a freebie or two (which we definitely love in the midst of a cost of living crisis). For more on that click here.

Andif you want all the details – including how to get to the Carriageworks location, parking and morewe also have you covered on that front here.

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