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Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Unveil Career Move Amidst Split With Spotify

Archewell is moving on.
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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are moving on. Not from each other, as it has been occasionally rumoured, but away from their deal with Spotify and toward a new career move in the charity sector. 


The couple, who had been working on the Archetypes podcast with Spotify until their contract was terminated in June, are now backing a US charity called ‘Equimundo’. The non-profit, based in Washington DC, describes itself as a “Center for Masculinities and Social Justice”.

“[We work] to promote gender equality and create a world free from violence by engaging men and boys in partnership with women, girls, and individuals of all gender identities. Our work emerges from more than two decades of local and international research, program development and advocacy,” the website states. 

(Credit: Image: Getty)

The charity is especially working to reduce the care-giving equality gap, with a new report, the State of the World’s Fathers report, breaking down the issue. “Media should break down gender stereotypes and show men doing cooking and cleaning and women doing tasks like mowing the lawn or fixing the sink,” the nearly 100 page document states.


The study and research aims to end binary gender codes, and ensure that men and fathers feel welcome and encouraged to do their share of ‘care work’.

The Archewell website has made comment on their latest philanthropic jaunt, sharing that “The Archewell Foundation is proud to have supported this report, as well as Equimundo’s continued work.”

The move appears to be a step away from the media landscape. For context, a joint statement between Archewell and Spotify was released back in June announcing that the pair had chosen to part ways “mutually”.

(Credit: Image: Getty)

Spotify confirmed it would not renew Meghan’s Archetypes podcast, which ran for 12 episodes from August 2022, despite the podcast earning an award at the 2022 People’s Choice Awards in Los Angeles for being the top podcast that year.

When the podcast was initially announced it was suggested that it would run for a number of series, there have been whispers, as reported by The Sun, that the podcast did not meet Spotify’s “productivity levels”.

We will need to wait and see what is next for this royal couple, with whispers also in the air that Meghan could be returning to the big screen. Watch this space.

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