Melbourne Voted The Most Liveable City In The World

For the sixth year in a row!

While the long-running Sydney versus Melbourne rivalry rages on, it seems our friends down south have edged ahead by taking out the title of most liveable city in the world according to the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU).

But not only did they take out the top spot this year but it’s the sixth year in a row they’ve done it.

The EIU index ranks 140 major cities around the world on healthcare, education, stability, culture, environment and infrastructure.

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Melbourne scored 97.5 out of 100.

In second place was Vienna, followed by Vancouver and Toronto.

“We do not take this title for granted and are constantly planning and implementing policies that will continue to improve our quality of life Lord mayor Robert Doyle tells Fairfax.

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“It is an exciting time in Melbourne: We’ve got many major infrastructure projects under way, including the Metro Tunnel, and the proposed renewal of the Queen Victoria Market precinct.”

Sydney failed to make this year’s top 10, coming in at 11, but other Aussie cities fared better, with Adelaide coming in equal fifth place with Calgary. Perth also made the top 10, coming in seventh place.


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