
Kayla Itsines Has Welcomed Her First Child

And the pictures are so sweet

Kayla ItsinesĀ and Tobi Pearce have announced the birth of their baby girl, Arna Leia Pearce.

The couple revealed that their daughter arrived late last week viaĀ cesarean and both mum and bub are recovering well.

ā€œWe are so excited for this chapter of our lives,ā€ the new parents said in a statement. ā€œLittle Arna is an absolute blessing and we absolutely adore her. We are really taking this time to enjoy these moments together and to be close as a family. It has been an amazing journey and we canā€™t believe she is finally in our arms!ā€Ā 

The fitness stars behind workout appĀ SweatĀ also took to Instagram to share the happy news and give some touching details about the delivery.Ā 

ā€œI just stared into Tobiā€™s eyes the whole time during delivery, nervously whispering ā€˜please let her be healthy, please be okay, please be okayā€™ and Tobi kept repeating ā€˜I love you so much ā€“ sheā€™s going to be healthy itā€™s okay just breathe itā€™s okay.ā€™ We both were crying,ā£ā£ā€ Kayla wrote.

ā€œIn that second, we heard her cry for the first time, the doctors and nurses examined her quickly, bought her over to us and said ā€˜she is absolutely perfectā€™. My doctor said ā€˜Look at that hair and those cheeks! Amazing!'ā€

RELATED:Ā Kayla Itsines Shares The $30 Moisturiser She Used To Treat Her Pregnancy Dermatitis

Kayla says Tobi went into ā€œdad modeā€ straight away.

ā€œI donā€™t even know how to describe how I felt in that moment. I looked over at Tobi who looked like the proudest Dad Iā€™ve ever seen, with tears running down his face he gave me a kiss on the forehead and whispered ā€œsheā€™s so perfect, I love youā€.ā£ā£ā€
She also shared that she had aĀ cesarean as recommended by her doctor.

ā€œI was a little bit sore, but after a couple of days I was generally fine, just no lifting other than Arna. Now, I just need to rest, eat good food, drink lots of water and Iā€™ll be okay!ā£ā£ā€

The couple has been together for over six years andĀ announced the pregnancyĀ in late December 2018.

ā€œIā€™ve wanted kids ever since I met Tobi and itā€™s something we have always talked about,ā€ the 27-year-old said. ā€œIt turns out that when we were ready it was just perfect timing. I think he will make the most perfect father, Iā€™ve never seen him so excited about anything. He has already planned the funniest fluffy outfits for our winter baby and he talks to my tummy every morning and night.ā€

WATCH: Kayla Itsineā€™s Pregnancy Reveal.Ā 

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This article originally appeared onĀ Womenā€™s Health Australia.

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