The Ultimate Trick For Blow-Drying Your Fringe Perfectly Every Time

Got a fresh set of curtain bangs? You need to read this
Woman with brown hair and bangs, wearing sparkly earrings, looking to the side at a formal event.

Given that it’s one of the most searched-for hairstyles on Pinterest—and the ultimate way to encapsulate French-girl cool vibes—the curtain fringe (or bangs, for our American readers) is a must-have for those not wanting the full-time commitment of a front fringe, but are still looking for some forehead coverage.

No matter what kind of fringe you’re sporting, getting it to look as perfect as it did when you left the hairdressers is no small feat.

But fret not, marie claire Australia spoke to senior stylist, Penny, from Barney Martin Hair for her tips and tricks on how to nail your at-home fringe game.

“Your fringe needs to be the first thing you style, always,” says Barney Martin senior stylist Penny. Using a barrel brush on wet hair, separate your fringe into a triangle section in front of your forehead. “Use the outer brow as a guide for the wide part of the triangle,” Penny instructs. 

Lady Jayne

Try: Lady Jane Salon Pro Beach Waves Styling Brush, $29.99 at Lady Jayne

Next up: “Blow dry the roots from left towards right and repeat on the other side,” says Penny. Once completely dry, Penny suggests that you use your fingers to finish off the style, and voilà, a fringe with instant lift that should fall just as it should.

“The length of your fringe will determine what size brush you should use,” Penny adds. As a rule: “the shorter the fringe, the smaller the brush.”

“You want the ends to slightly bend around the brush,” she says.

So there you have it—achieving a salon-quality finish on your favourite forehead companion at home has never been so simple.

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