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2020 Horoscopes: Your Year Ahead

Take a look at what's in store 💫

Twenty-twenty is shaping up to be a big year full of change, challenge and triumph. Yasmin Boland reveals what’s in store for you in our annual horoscope guide.


Aries (March 21 – April 19)

ALL ABOUT ARIES. Ruled by blazing red planet Mars, you’re the fireball of the zodiac. You take the party with you wherever you go, and we love you for this.  You charge through life at full speed – go for it, but remember that not everyone can keep up with you. Also, you have a temper that can melt plastic!

2020 overview

2020 will be high pressure for you but it will force you to transform into the best person you can be. Your challenge now is to leave behind the old you and allow a new you to be reborn. Work will play a large part in this process.

Your 2020 affirmation: When you’re stressed, remind yourself, “Pressure turns carbon into diamonds.”


THE best time of year for you to change your life

All of 2020 is potentially amazing for you, but mid-January and early April are stand-out periods.

When it comes to love in 2020

You have as good love stars as anyone else but you also have incredible work stars. The potential problem is that you could work so hard you leave little time for romance. Be warned!


Best time to make money

Making money online will really work for you this year – whether that’s about running a site or doing online consultations. Early March looks especially auspicious.

You also need to know that September 10 to November 14 sees your planet Mars going into a rare retrograde cycle. This is a reminder from the universe to slow down.

Try this, for the good of your soul Slow down. Breathe. Create a morning routine dedicated to calm.


Fashion notes

Wear red – and anything else that sets pulses racing.

2020 horoscope

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

ALL ABOUT TAUREANS. Your symbol is a bull and they can be both stubborn and raging. But you’re also ruled by Venus, the planet  of pleasure and caresses. Summing up: you’re strong, earthy and gorgeous.


2020 overview

These are amazing times to be a Taurean, thanks to the relatively recent arrival of the planet of electricity and changes, Uranus, in your sign. If you’re feeling like you’ve stuck your fingers into the great socket of life, now you know why. Manage this long cycle with regular grounding; take your shoes off and walk on the earth.

Your 2020 affirmation: “I am liberated from the ties that bind!”

THE best time of year for you to change your life


With the planet of radical change, Uranus, in your sign, change is inevitable for you now. Go with it.

When it comes to love in 2020

The danger now is that you’re evolving as a person and leaving your partner behind. If you’re attached, make sure you keep them up to date with where you are in life and what you’re planning.

Best time to make money


Mid-year looks extra promising. Golden 2020 rule: the more financially independent you can be, the better.

You also need to know that You should work very hard from January to March, because the efforts you put in then are likely to pay off long-term, once Saturn moves into your career zone on March 22.

Try this, for the good of your soul Once a week (at least) take yourself off into nature to relax.

Fashion notes


Taureans are all about earthiness, so look to organics such as natural cottons and breezy linens in neutral tones for your style fix.

2020 horoscope

Gemini May (21 – June 20)

ALL ABOUT GEMINIS. Without Gemini, there would be no conversation, no exchange of ideas and no fun flirting at parties. You are the social butterflies of the world, in the nicest possible way. And you’re smart. Yes, of course one can talk people into and out of things, but does that mean you should? Check your heart before you engage your mouth and you won’t go too wrong in 2020.

2020 overview


If you have overspent recently, use the 2020 energy to rein in things, and disciplined Saturn will help you. By mid-year, Geminis who wish to travel for work or study abroad, have super supportive stars.

Your 2020 affirmation: “All my relationships are evolving!”

THE best time of year for you to change your life

The June 6 full moon eclipse is like a portal opening up for you to move through. If you want to make massive life changes, then early June is the ideal time.


When it comes to love in 2020

Relationship changes are a major 2020 theme for you. Good relationships can go to the next level, weak ones will flounder

Best time to make money

2020 opens with you having super powerful money stars. This lasts up to March 22. Financial strategies are called for, though.You also need to know that because there is an eclipse involving your sign mid-year, 2020 is a big one for you. So decide at the start of it where you want to be by the end of it, and make a list of the inspired action you need to take to get there.


Try this, for the good of your soul Some quiet time.

Fashion notes

Geminis change all the time, so your style is ever-shifting and eclectic.

2020 horoscope

Cancer June (21 – July 22)

ALL ABOUT CANCERIANS. Ruled by the beautiful silvery moon, which waxes and wanes, you have a well-deserved reputation for being mysterious, highly emotional and nearly always nurturing. Just as you are there for people, they tend to be there for you. This is a good thing, as you can also be quite needy sometimes!

2020 overview

The good news for you is that at least some of the pressure of the past few years is finally going to ease off. March to July gives you breathing space, so take some time off if you can. Eclipses in your sign and opposite sign mean 2020 is still a year when you need to focus on personal growth and self-transformation. This cycle won’t last forever, so ensure you make the most of it.

Your 2020 affirmation: “I make the most of all opportunities!”


THE best time of year for you to change your life

January, June and July are ripe for you changing things up. Tip: release the past!

When it comes to love in 2020

Learn the lessons that your partner is teaching you. Be nice and say sorry if and when you need to.


Best time to make money

Mid-year sees the planet of drive, Mars, in your career zone, so you should be feeling driven towards work and financial success then. You also need to know that 2020 is going to be easier than 2019. So even though you still have a chance to fulfil your life potential and purpose, which can be as intense as it sounds, there should be more fun (and travel) in the new year.

TRY THIS, FOR THE GOOD OF YOUR SOUL. Follow the moon. Make wishes at new moon, and let go of all upsets at full moon.

Fashion notes


You suit florals and warm colours.

2020 horoscope

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

ALL ABOUT LEOS. You’re the superstar of the zodiac and we all bow down before you. You are generous, magnanimous and, just sometimes, a bit too amazing for your own good! You light up any room you walk into, and you know it. Confidence is your middle name. But don’t overdo it.

2020 overview


Eliminating anything from your everyday life that feels toxic or otherwise wrong should be a priority. Getting into healthy daily routines will be life-changing and will also help you to navigate the ever-changing career vista. A major event for you this year is serious Saturn in your love zone from March to July. During this period, pay attention to the life lessons; your most important relationships are teaching you about yourself.

Your affirmation for the year: “The people who push my buttons the most teach me the most!”

The best time of the year to change your life

April. And changes you make now to the minutiae of your life will have a big impact.


When it comes to love in 2020

From March to July, there could be tensions in your most important relationships. It’s vital you work as hard as you can to sort things out by acting grown-up and responsible if you want to avoid bigger problems later on. You also need to know that The roller-coaster ride of your career continues now as irrational Uranus ploughs through your career zone. If you can work online or as a solopreneur, do so. It will work out the energies well.

Try this, for the good of your soul. Next time you spend time with someone less self-assured than you, bolster them up, instead of outshining them.

Fashion notes


You’ll wear anything that turns heads.

2020 horoscope

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

ALL ABOUT VIRGOS. Virgos are the quiet achievers of the zodiac. You’re helpful and modest and we all love you. Make sure you aren’t too modest for your own good, though. You can’t do enough for other people, but issues arise when you do so much that you end up becoming resentful. That’s toxic.

2020 overview


The good news for you is that it looks like you’re going to have more fun in 2020. You tend to minimise your own need to let your hair down at the best of times, but this condition became acute in 2019. Thankfully the worst of that cycle is over and while you’re probably still a little bit too diligent for your own good, overall 2020 should bring more fun.

Your affirmation for the year: “The most important people in my life inspire me!”

The best time of the year to change your life

February, July and October all bring chances for you to dream it and do it!


When it comes to love in 2020

You have fabulous love stars this year. If you’re single, you’re definitely the sign most likely to meet a soulmate. If you’re attached, it’s all good as long as you’re with someone trustworthy. You make a great partner because you’re so keen to be of service, but you have been known to nitpick a romance to death.

YOU ALSO NEED TO KNOW THAT If you want to make the most of the good astrological juju in your love zone, you need to seek out people who inspire you and make you feel uplifted. Spiritual people will do you good in 2020.

Try this, for the good of your soul. Next time someone asks you to do something that you don’t want to, work out a nice way to say no.


Fashion notes

Yes, you’re modest, but also not afraid to try more daring looks.

2020 horoscope

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

ALL ABOUT LIBRANS. Librans live to relate. You’re happy when you’re with a best friend or a lover, and happiest when your lover is your best friend. You’re suave and debonair, stylish and sometimes just a tad, dare we say, looks-obsessed or sometimes even vain. 


2020 overview

The pressure at home, with family specifically and your private life in general, is lightening at last. Yes, there will still be fireworks but there should also be a lot more fun, too. In relationships, the roller-coaster ride is over and the healing has begun. If you’ve become addicted to someone who is just too unpredictable, this is the time to make self-love your priority.

Your affirmation for the year: “All my relationships are healing.”

The best time of year for you to change your life


In April, when massive shifts in your personal life are likely. On March 8 anything could happen and it could be exciting.

When it comes to love in 2020

Focus on people who make you feel good and who can help you to heal any past traumas. Avoid people who seem to want to see how far they can push you. Your toughest time is when you don’t have anyone special in your life. Luckily you’re an amazing flirt and attract admirers wherever you go, naturally.

You also need to know that Introducing a daily spiritual practice will be life-changing. When you sit in silence to meditate, for example, amazing things happen. Clarity comes. Answers come.


Try this, for the good of your soul. Go to a party not looking your best and see how well you relate to people.

Fashion notes

One word to describe Libran style: elegant.

2020 horoscope

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

ALL ABOUT SCORPIOS. You’re a mysterious sign with depth and substance; mindless chatter and superficial nonsense are not for you. You want to taste life. You’re not afraid of your dark side. No-one could accuse you of being a social flibbertigibbet. We get it. You’re profound! Just don’t insist that we also “go there” every time.

2020 overview

You’re now under the influence of the planet of mayhem and madness, Uranus. It has taken up residence in your seventh house, where it’s sending beams of craziness and daring you to break out of anything in your life that feels restrictive. This year is about you really learning to drive this energy. Dropping any control-freak tendencies will really help you.

Your affirmation for the year: “Live and let live!”


The best time of year for you to change your life

At the end of June you’ll  have the best chance  you’ve had in 12 years to really transform.

When it comes to love in 2020

Your love life could feel a little out of control this year but try not to panic. The more you cling on, the weirder the ride. If you’re single, someone very different could be the One.


You also need to know that This year can be positively liberating. It’s all about you evolving. So give yourself the time you need to work through whatever you know is holding you back. Someone or something could really “wake you up” this year. Expect changes and embrace them for the best 2020 has to offer you.

Try this, for the good of your soul Go to a party and work the room. Have several meaningless conversations and see how they make you feel.

Fashion notes

Indulge your dark side in Gothic velvets and lace.

2020 horoscope

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

ALL ABOUT SAGITTARIANS. The eclipses herald big changes for you. You’re a fun-loving, risk-taking, adventurer who knows that life is meant to be enjoyed with gusto and a good laugh. While we could all learn a lesson from you about not taking life too seriously, sometimes you don’t take life seriously enough!

2020 overview

This year sees a series of rolling connections between your planet Jupiter and boundary-dissolving Neptune, the planet of the divine. So it could be a rather mystical and magical year ahead for you, where you feel at one with the cosmos, or just feel really good about life in general. If you don’t already have a spiritual practice, get one. It will do you a power of good.


Your affirmation for the year: “We are all connected to all life everywhere.”

The best time of year for you to change your life

June, November and December, when eclipses are triggering your chart.

When it comes to love in 2020


This year could be one you remember as a turning point where relationships are concerned. Venus retrograde could bring back an old lover in May or June.

You also need to know that 2020 brings an eclipse in your sign and your love zone. So if you want to change your life, you really can. Releasing the past and any dramas will make space for whatever you want to bring into your life. Think of 2020 as a chance to change to a new way of being.

Try this, for the good of your soul. Instead of wise-cracking your way through your next highly emotional moment, be still and feel all your feelings.

Fashion notes


Sagittarians love to travel, so resort wear is always a good idea.

2020 horoscope

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

ALL ABOUT CAPRICORNS. The hardworking and down-to-earth sign of the zodiac, you’re also the most ambitious. Just make sure you don’t become ruthless in your pursuit of power!

2020 overview


You are the sign with the biggest astrological drama in 2020. Planetary patterns playing out in your sign mean you can do just about anything you set your mind to now. It might not always be easy but if you put your head down and work slowly and methodically towards your goals, it will all have been worth it. Make “transformation” your word of the year. By year’s end, life is easier than it has been in two years.

Your affirmation for the year: “My life is transforming in amazing ways!”

The best time of year for you to change your life

January, June and July. During these months eclipses in your sign and opposite sign open up life-changing portals.


When it comes to love in 2020

Capricorns are far gentler and more loving than you might first expect, and love and nurture their partners, between working too hard. There will be more happiness and fulfilment if you “do” 2020 in a relationship, even (especially) if your partner pushes all your buttons.

You also need to know that Because you have eclipse energy around you, as well as Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto for much of it, 2020 really is a year to live consciously and intentionally. Decide what you want now and work out how you can make it happen. Stay open to changes but stay focused on goals.

Try this, for the good of your soul. Do some charity work.


Fashion notes

Capricorns sway towards all things structured and, of course, tailored.

2020 horoscope

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

ALL ABOUT AQUARIANS. You’re the maverick of the zodiac. It’s your quirky, forward-thinking mind that helps humanity progress. Really! In some ways, you’re like a star person, seeded from another galaxy, here to teach us how to save the planet. But do be nice as well as logical.


2020 overview

It’s a massive year for you as the mighty planet Saturn makes its first foray into your sign in 30 years. You have tons of lessons to learn from this cycle. As 2020 dawns, think about what scares you, see where the fear comes from and deal with it as best you can. The more you can work through your fears before March, the better the rest of your life will be.

Your affirmation for the year: “I am inspired by money – in the best possible way!”

The best time of year for you to change your life


Late December – change will become inevitable around then. Don’t worry, it could be amazing.

When it comes to love in 2020

You love to be adored and love a partner who allows you to shine. But this year you need to deal with all the things you don’t want to talk about. Once you’ve worked through these hidden dramas, you’ll make a better partner, friend and relative.

You also need to know that Saturn moving into your sign in March is an amazing opportunity. It will be a challenge but handled well it can make you wiser and more able to step up to the life you were born to lead. Work hard on whatever needs your hard work.


Try this, for the good of your soul. Be as thoughtful to your partner and friends as you are to humanity as a whole.

Fashion notes

Whatever the occasion, you’re always fashion-forward.

2020 horoscope

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

ALL ABOUT PISCEANS. You’re the dreamer of the zodiac, the mystic and a romantic. You know those “funny feelings” you get about things? Trust them. The force is strong in Pisces. Without you, there would be no dreams and no music but you’re also an elusive little fish!

2020 overview

The struggles you have had with friends in the past few years will ease up now. Be honest if you have been a bit too hardline, and see if you can change the energy. You should find you are more popular than you have been in years, too, so make the most of it. Your friends have a lot to teach you and some will even transform you.

Your affirmation for the year: “Solutions lie in thinking outside the box.”


The best time of year for you to change your life

February, July and October all herald-times when improvements come.

When it comes to love in 2020

September turns your focus to your love life. The trick is to think about what you want, rather than worrying about whatever has happened in the past. Single? You could turn a friend into a lover this year.


You also need to know that Your ability to think differently is your secret superpower this year (and for the coming few years). So don’t worry about people thinking that you’re weird. Just be open and honest about your ideas. Also note that in the second half of 2020, you will find more fulfilment at home than in professional success, as alluring as it is. So don’t go losing yourself in overwork.

Try this, for the good of your soul. Tap into intuitive powers with daily meditations. #itwillchangeyourlife

Fashion notes

Poetic prints and floaty silhouettes are a style match for Pisceans.

2020 horoscope

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