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Exactly What’s Shutting Down From Midday Today In Australia

Pubs, gyms and cinemas are set to close
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As the number of confirmed COVID-19 coronavirus cases around the country continue to climb, the shut down of “non-essential” services from midday on Monday 23 March has been announced. 


WATCH BELOW: Demi Lovato Says She Had To Move Due To COVID-19 Coronavirus

Introducing the changes on Sunday night, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the situation surrounding COVID-19 coronavirus is now “deadly serious.”

Below, a guide to what will and what won’t be open under the shut down measures.

What Will Be Closed?

From midday on Monday 23 March, the following will be closed:

  • Pubs
  • Clubs
  • Cinemas
  • Casinos
  • Nightclubs
  • Indoor places of worship
  • Gyms
  • Indoor sporting venues

What Will Be Open?

“Essential services” and their suppliers will remain open. Cafés and restaurants can continue to operate but will be only able to offer takeaway and delivery services. The following are included among the businesses that will remain open:

  • Supermarkets
  • Shopping centres
  • Office buildings
  • Banks
  • Petrol stations
  • Pharmacies
  • Convenience stores
  • Freight and logistics
  • Food delivery
  • Bottle shops
  • Hairdressers and beauticians
  • Hotels can continue to operate in an accommodation-only capacity (pubs, registered and licensed clubs, and licensed premises inside hotels will close)

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What About Travel Restrictions?

The Prime Minister has requested that Australians stay home unless the travel is “essential”.

“Those holidays that you may have been planning to take interstate over the school holidays are cancelled,” Mr Morrison said.


Tasmania, the Northern Territory, Western Australia and South Australia have effectively shut their borders to non-residents and are requiring visitors to isolate for 14 days upon arrival.

How Long Will The Shut Down Measures Last?

It’s not yet clear exactly how long the partial lockdown will last but the Prime Minister has warned it could last at least six months.

The strict measures have come into play following huge numbers of people flocking to bars and public areas like Bondi Beach on Friday, despite warnings that social-distancing is key to ‘flattening the curve’ and preventing our medical facilities from becoming overloaded with cases.

“What happened at Bondi Beach yesterday was not okay. It served as a message to federal and state leaders that too many Australians are not taking these issues seriously enough,” Mr Morrison said.


RELATED: An Open Letter To Everyone At Bondi Beach Yesterday

As the number of confirmed COVID-19 coronavirus cases around the country continue to climb, the shut down of “non-essential” services from midday on Monday 23 March has been announced. 

WATCH BELOW: Demi Lovato Says She Had To Move Due To COVID-19 Coronavirus

As the number of confirmed COVID-19 coronavirus cases around the country continue to climb, the shut down of “non-essential” services from midday on Monday 23 March has been announced. 


WATCH BELOW: Demi Lovato Says She Had To Move Due To COVID-19 Coronavirus

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