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These Are The Ways You Can Help The People Of Afghanistan During This Humanitarian Crisis

How to show your solidarity with the people in Afghanistan.

This week, the news has been dominated by scenes coming out of Aghanistan following the Taliban reclaiming control of the country. The developments follow the US and NATO forces withdrawing from Afghanistan after a 20-year presence and hundreds of thousands of deaths. 

The the situation is complex—far too complex to be summed up by an Instagram tile or explainer article. It follows a long history of Western powers ruining the lives of civilians with imperialism and geopolitical war. Nearly 400, 000 people have been forced from their homes since the beginning of the year. And 80% of internally displaced people are women and children.

As thousands of Aghan people attempt to flee the country, it’s easy to feel incredibly helpless and unsure of how to show solidarity with Afghans right now. 

There are, however, a number of ways we can help the efforts being made to help people seeking asylum. 


According to the Refugee Advice & Casework Service, as of July 2021, there were are 4,427 people in Australia from Afghanistan recognised as refugees, who have only been given temporary protection visas. The government policies that only afford temporary protection visas to many refugees and deny them the right to family reunion cause immense harm and suffering, rendering those people powerless and unable to find protection. 

This is why it’s important to stand in solidarity with Afghans by writing to our government officials to let them know we support them taking action.

This could include increasing the intake of refugees from Afghanistan in light of recent events and resettlement for those who assisted Australian forces in the past, as well as women and activists who face heightened threat under the Taliban rule. 

The Australian Centre for International Justice has compiled an incredible, comprehensive letter template that you can copy and paste to email to your elected official. Find that template here. If you don’t know who your local member is, you can find out here


Times are tough for many right now. If you have the means to donate money, these are just a few of the organisations helping people on the ground and those seeking asylum. 

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