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Is There A Link Between Endometriosis And Cancer?

Scientists have made an important discovery

Lena Dunham, Daisy Ridley and Susan Sarandon all have it. One in 10 Australian women have it, too.

Endometriosis is a common, incurable disease that occurs when tissue grows out of the uterus, which can result in intense pelvic pain, menstrual abnormalities and even infertility.

And now scientists from Johns Hopkins Medicine and the University of British Columbia have made what could be a life-changing discovery for those suffering from endometriosis.

According to the Vancouver Sun, researchers found cancer-causing gene mutations in the pelvic lesions of women with endometriosis.

These findings could help scientists develop molecular tests to classify which forms of the disorder requires aggressive treatment, and which do not.

Some experimental cancer drugs could even be used to treat endometriosis. 

Dr Paul Yong said the discovery could provide a map to better treatment for women suffering from the condition.

“These mutations are a first step in understanding the breadth of symptoms and outcomes that affect every woman with endometriosis differently,” he explained. “Finally, we have a roadmap towards finding better treatments.”

Lena Dunham recently documented her struggle with endometriosis on social media after being rushed to hospital after the Met Gala.

“I also want to remind all the women suffering from chronic illness that we aren’t weak – quite the opposite, actually,” she posted on Instagram.

“We do our jobs with skill even when we’re struggling. We care families even when we can hardly care for ourselves.”

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