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Shopping Mall Installs Storage Pods For Husbands Who Don’t Want To Shop

Just leave the credit card thanks!

A mall in China has introduced “husband storage” facilities for wives to leave their partners while they hit the shops, uninterrupted.

According to Chinese newspaper The Paper, the Global Harbour mall in Shanghai has launched a number of glass pods in the centre for wives to leave husbands unwilling to be dragged from shop to shop.

Husband pod in shopping centre
(Credit: The Paper)

Each pod is fully equipped with a chair, monitor, computer games and gamepad and men can rest their legs while playing retro games from the ’90s. A serious upgrade from the strategically positioned chair by the fitting rooms!

Mr Yang told The Paper he had a positive experience saying the pods are “Really great. I’ve just played Tekken 3 and felt like I was back at school!”


Currently, it’s free to use the service, but staff told the newspaper in the coming months, users will scan a QR code and pay a small fee using their mobile phones.

While the pods seem to have everything to game the time away, according to Mr Wu the husband storage rooms are not yet perfect: “there is no ventilation or air conditioning, I sat inside for five minutes to sweat,” he told The Paper.

On woman told the newspaper that she worried her husband wouldn’t want to leave the pod when she was ready to go home if he was halfway through a game.

Many have taken to social media to debate whether the pods should be rolled out across more shopping malls. Some men say they would embrace the pods to avoid “tired legs” after a day of shopping.

While others disagree: “If my husband just wants to go out and play games, what’s the point of bringing him out?” Touché!

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