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Sam Frost and reality TV love Sasha Mielczarek split

The Bachelorette and the man who won her heart have broken up after 18 months of dating.

2016 won’t rest until we’re all miserable. 

Bachelorette and 2DAYFM radio host Sam Frost, 27, and her partner Sasha Mielczarek, 32, have officially split, hinting at the news in the way only two 2016 reality stars should – via Instagram.


On Boxing Day Sam wrote this semi-crytptic message on Insta: “Christmas isn’t always sunshine and rainbows for everyone.. I’m sending nothing but good vibes, love, light & happiness • I promise 2017 is going to be YOUR year ✨💛 xxxx”

And her management followed it up with an official announcement:


“After 18 months together, Sam Frost and Sasha Mielczarek have come to a mutual decision to end their relationship,” the statement said.


“It is important to stress that there is no bitterness or scandal. They have just come to the realisation that the best way forward, is to separate.”


“They wholeheartedly respect and cherish the friendship they have for one another which will continue moving forward. They wish to thank everyone for their love and support over the past 18 months.”


Mielczarek took things further, posting a pic of the former couple together in happier times and adding that he is “absolutely heartbroken.”

The couple had been seen to be spending less time together over the past few months, rarely appearing at functions together or combining their likenesses on social media.


The couple originally found each other by the tried and true tradition of a rose ceremony on Channel 10’s The Bachelorette, after Frost had been jilted at the last minute by Blake Garvey in a previous series of The Bachelor.


Fans reached out to both Frost and Mielczarek lending their support:


“You both seem like wonderful ppl, but just not each other’s person,” wrote one fan on Mielczarek’s Instagram page.


“Oh no, how heartbreaking!” wrote another. “Who will keep the doggie?” referring to the maltese cross shih tzu called Rocky that Frost bought for Mielczarek as a surprise at the end of 2015.

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