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The Best Twitter Reactions To Tonights Episode Of ‘The Bachelor’

Too. Good.

Tonight’s episode of The Bachelor saw the girls rate their personality traits in a super awkward game, which basically just showed that Elora thinks she’s way better than the rest of the group.

Though, we’ll give her this: at least she didn’t try to fight Tara for the title of funniest person in the house.

After Elise and Matty J had an awkward slow dance to James Blunt (while James and his band tried to look literally anywhere else), Matty chose Cobie for a single date (read: to go on a school camping trip with), and unfortunately, didn’t feel the spark.

Cobie was sent home and the girls were thrust into a rose ceremony without a cocktail party. 

Elora was then sent home and we’re now down to four – and the hometown dates. Finally.

Read the best Twitter reactions to tonight’s episode below.

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