Why #CelluliteSaturday Is Our New Favourite Thing On Instagram


Cellulite. Most of us have it/will have it one day, yet we still spend hours at the gym, and big bucks in the beauty department trying to get rid of it/ward off its evil presence.

Well one woman has had enough of all the hoo-haa surrounding cellulite, and she thinks everyone else should too.

Meet Canadian actress and body-positive activist Kenzie Brenna who started the hashtag #CelluliteSaturday earlier this year as a way of combating her own insecurities, and challenging others to do the same in the hopes that the next generation won’t grow up with the same body hang ups.

“FITNESS IS A JOURNEY. It doesn’t stop,” she wrote on Instagram. “Our destinations change, or route expires, things halt us. That is why it’s a journey not a resting place. This journey is NOT linear either. You go up and down, back and forth all the time. Even at your best. So this is the part of the journey I’m at. Feeling like shit but trying to persevere because my goals mean so so so much to me.”

“Let’s talk stats ok? These are pretty wild to me,” she writes in another post. “42% of girls in grade 1-3 want to be thinner. 78 fucking % of 17 year old girls are unhappy with their bodies. “Teenage girls are more afraid of gaining weight then getting cancer, losing their parents or nuclear war.” In 2013 the American Medical Association created a policy that really didn’t go anywhere, stating that the effects of digitally altering images to impressionable youth were so harmful they cause HEALTH PROBLEMS.

“That’s why offering up my #realbody, unedited, unfiltered for you to look at, for trolls to rip apart, is important because we have LITERALLY FORGOTTEN WHAT REAL BODIES LOOK LIKE. To quote WIKIPEDIA “cellulite occurs in 80-90% of women, the prevailing medical condition is that it’s ‘merely the normal condition of many women.'” NORMAL. It’s fucking NORMAL.

“With stats above it drives me so hard so that way my future daughters and sons grow up with more real images of bodies around them than I did. To pray their mental and physical health isn’t as affected as mine was.

Kenzie’s hashtag has turned into a social media movement, with bloggers and regular women jumping on board and sharing their stories and photos.


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