This Fitness Blogger Just Proved Your Healthy Weight Is Not A Number

She shows that the scales don't mean everything

Forget about the number on your scales. That’s the conclusion of fitness blogger Kelsey Wells, whose posts about her exercise regimen have gone viral.

Kelsey has spent the past 18 months following Kayla Itsines’s BBG program. But although Kelsey loved the results, she ended up gaining weigh, not losing it.  

She shared three very different photos of herself on Instagram at three very different weights: 145lbs (65.7kg), 122lbs (55.3kg) and 140lbs (63.5kg). In her latest picture weighing in at 63.5kg, she not only looks fitter but has more muscle definition than she did at a lighter weight.

She urged her 299K followers to “Stop getting hung up on the number on the stupid scales.”

Her inspirational post “Stop thinking your weight equals your progress and… (let) your weight have any affect whatsoever on your self esteem.”

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