Your Weekly Horoscopes Are Here: July 6 – July 13

See what the stars have in store

If you celebrate your birthday this week:

Your Year Ahead

Cancerians who have danced to the call of the wild now need to make time for quieter moments.  Soon, the cosmos introduces you to a very special individual who offers help. Perhaps this person has already played an significant role, but now they truly come into their own.  August brings a financial bonus.  Nothing less than worthy recompense will cut it now. And don’t worry if less scrupulous colleagues try to steal your glory. With you already one step ahead, they’ll be left straggling two steps behind.  Love also features strongly this year.  Ditto for business trips.


Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Best Day:  Monday 9th

After recent dramas, it would be wise pack a suitcase and take a break from life’s apparent urgencies. Postpone stressful appointments.  Everything and everyone can wait, as you let self pampering take priority.  It’s also a week of less hurried romantic prospects.  Enjoy the pleasures of a slower, more tender touch. 


Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

Best Day:  Thursday 12th

With a solar eclipse this week, this is definitely not the time to flirt with danger, make important or financial decisions or try to reconcile relationship issues.  The week ahead requires decisive handling as cosmic forces close the gates on unviable projects. Expect disappointments, arguments or financial setbacks.  If necessary, just let go.


Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Best Day:  Tuesday 10th

Be careful not to confuse fantasy with reality this week.  Despite your reputation for being detached, there are many secrets hidden beneath that cool exterior. This makes you a bit of a mystery, really. And perhaps you prefer it that way.  After all, there’s no point in showing your entire hand, when one card at a time will do.


Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Best Day:  Friday 6th

Prepare yourself for an unpredictable week.  With thanks to the solar eclipse in your own sign, you’re journeying though an “anything can happen and probably will” phase.  Maybe it’s time to be less indulgent, and don’t cause disruption.  Your relationships are also at odds, as is your bank balance.  A week for caution.


Leo (July 23 – August 23)

Best Day:  Saturday 7th

This week is downright frenzied – a time when no one quite knows what everyone else is up to, or why. But this is pretty much the case when you throw a group of power planets into the cauldron of strong solar eclipse emotions. But trying to enlist help is a waste of time – you’ll get better sense out of children.  Do what you do best, and take charge.


Virgo (August 24 – September 22)

Best Day:  Monday 9th

An unexpected chance to cash in enables enterprising Virgos to make the best of negotiating skills. There’s a strong emphasis on money and property. This period also brings you to a crucial emotional crunch. For a while now, you’ve been battling with uncertainty or restriction.  And you’ve worn it well. By late week, expect requited affection.


Libra (September 23 – October 23)

Best Day:  Sunday 8th

It’s one of those times when you feel like disconnecting your devices and leaving the door locked.  But your reclusive behaviour shouldn’t be mistaken for the blues. It’s more a case of needing some time out for contemplation.  With luck, everyone will respect that.  After the 13th a solar eclipse pushes on, and so do you.

Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

Best day:  Wednesday 11th

This week is all about power and money.  You’ll enjoy surrounding yourself with items of value and beauty which in turn, increase your status and self regard.  And if hoping for an approving nod on a loan application, now’s the time to apply. Creativity is also at an all time high, so don’t hesitate to promote your talents.


Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

Best Day:  Friday 6th

Seems plenty of the population are at odds with each other just now. Some are overbearing, while others are hiding their heads in the sand.  Best advice: no one wants an uninvited opinion, even if it is good advice. This week’s solar eclipse brings unexpected upheavals. Upsets, surprises, disruptions – anything’s possible.


Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

Best Day: Wednesday 11th

Some Capricorns may have been party to unnecessary conflict lately.  Don’t get duped into becoming the reluctant ally.  While others might have ideas on how you should spend your valuable time, just go your own sweet way.  Especially if you’re caught in someone else’s emotional tug of war.  And if it all turns too nasty, make a run for it. 


Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)

Best Day:  Tuesday 10th

It’s strange how sometimes you can feel invisible, as if people are walking straight past or through you.  Other times, you’re suddenly the centre of attention – when even strangers catch a second glance. Well, this week you’re both visible and magnetic. The planets offer the right encouragement to catch up with old friends and finally enjoy some time out. 


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Best Day:  Sunday 8th

Have you noticed how some individuals can be likened to a black hole? They’ll happily draw you into their mass of personal chaos, with zero concern over the possible effects on you. So skip polite etiquette and stay well clear of their presence. There are friendlier places to be.  Jupiter also lends an uncanny financial instinct.  Earning power soon soars.  

By Tanya Obreza: www.tanyaobreza.com

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