Your Weekly Horoscopes Are Here: August 9th – August 16th

Scorpio, new ventures ahead!
If you celebrate your birthday this week:
Your Year Ahead
Saturn firmly set at the top of your solar chart brings even more celestial blessings this year.  The old adage about “being in the right place at the right time” rings true – and your time is now.  Past frustration was largely caused by others imposing their will and undermining your confidence.  This year, you’re well placed to resume control of difficult situations and regain prosperity.  Sure, there’ll be changes of direction – but stay alert to any potential problems and you’ll always stay one step ahead.  In romance, you’re equally brilliant.  Grab that loving feeling and do something enjoyable with it, Leo.  
Aries (March 21 – April 20)
Best Day: Saturday 10th
Arm yourself against a barrage of changes.  You’re a versatile soul, but when overloaded –  you soon reach burnout.  Most of your stress is self-imposed, so don’t be too proud to ask for help.  Thankfully, the planets promise more soon.  Watch your pennies, though, as the cosmos seems intent on causing monetary mischief.  
Taurus (April 21 – May 20)
Best Day:  Friday 9th
While others are happy to socialise this week, you seem more content to raise the drawbridge on that castle you call home. This doesn’t mean being alone.  It’s a fair bet you’ll enjoy spending time with favourite friends and family; and there’s likely to be a surprise or two.  Later in the week, you may bump into an old lover or friend.
Gemini (May 21 – June 21)
Best Day:  Monday 12th
Almost everything has its upside – which is well worth remembering this week.  The real problem is that you feel a tad lost or vulnerable, without knowing why.  When life becomes this confusing, it can help to put some distance between you and others.  Sit quietly, and come to terms with a few home truths.  For starters – not everyone is trustworthy.
Cancer (June 22 – July 22)
Best Day:  Sunday 11th
The week emphasises highly-strung Cancer sensitivity and emotion.  It’s a time when you may choose to hide under the doona, rather than face troubling emotions.  At the best of times, you don’t like to lose control of conflict or arguments.  Hardly surprising, then, if you choose to withdraw into your own safe shell.  Good tactic.  
Leo (July 23 – August 23)
Best Day:  Tuesday 13th
Money becomes more abundant this week, although there’s the temptation to overspend.  But what’s life for, if not to enjoy?  You’ll sense a growing social camaraderie and will want to be part of it.  With optimism on side, nothing feels out of your reach.  Blessed with more confidence and power, you can turn most situations to your advantage.
Virgo (August 24 – September 22)
Best Day:  Friday 9th
Earthy Virgos can be slow in romance, but dynamite once ignited!  Should deeper desires beg for satisfaction, seize the moment and set out on a journey of sensual discovery – maybe a secret love, possibly with a touch of scandal.  At work, too, you put in some extra hours.  Just try not to overdo it by burning the candle at both ends.
Libra (September 23 – October 23)
Best Day:  Thursday 15th
This week friendships win over intimacy, but don’t assume that love has left you off the guest list. The pace of social events picks up, but without the negativity of troubled emotions.  Mars fires up new hopes concerning work.  If this results in increased authority, you won’t mind.  When placed in charge, you’re very much in your element.  
Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)
Best Day:  Sunday 11th
A fairly courageous week for Scorpios, especially when it comes to new ventures.  If you’re focused and properly funded, you’re on the way towards success.  But there’s still risk involved – so be sure you can afford the gamble.  Should plans be delayed by a lack of capital, don’t let this ruin a potentially fun time ahead.  Not everything costs.
Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)
Best Day:  Tuesday 13th
Show others just how determined you are to enjoy life.  Saturn may still try to douse enthusiasm but even life’s sterner lessons should work in your favour.  It’s true what they say, that hardships can often be blessings in disguise. Be nourished by the courage of your own spirit.   And you shouldn’t rule out the possibility of travel.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 20) 
Best Day:  Thursday 15th
If anyone’s capable of talking themselves into profit this week, it’s you.  And during a time when money takes priority, you’ll be relying on the gift of the gab. Meanwhile, Mars swivels his hips rather provocatively, pretty well ensuring rumpled sheets.  And what does it matter if it’s love or lust?  This week affords you the courage to be yourself, with little apology.  
Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)
Best Day:  Wednesday 14th
A phase of your life is coming to a close, so prepare for disruption.  Relationships built on sand can expect some erosion.  Aquarian discontent could even extend to clandestine meetings.  Singles, too, may prefer a secret dalliance.  Finances feature strongly, as does the need to chase your professional dreams.  An interesting week ahead.   
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Best Day:  Saturday 10th
Your open and trusting attitude has just had a smack on the wrist. You’ve not been as careful as usual, and an abusive element has possibly just taken you for a ride. This need not, however, lead to major problems.  It’s also a week for close friendships.  What can you hope for?  Unconditional support.

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