Your Weekly Horoscopes Are Here: July 5th – July 12th

Slow down, Sagittarius 💫💫 💫

If you celebrate your birthday this week:

Your Year Ahead

The heavy responsibilities you’ve shouldered are almost at an end.  As pressures subside, the relentless call for sacrifice starts to ease – but don’t swing too far in the opposite direction – you don’t have permission to abandon everything.  It’s just that, for now, you have a tad more freedom.  Jupiter helps you throw out out-dated working patterns, and take on a more cutting-edge approach.  As to love, relationships promise a new intensity.  For singles, romance blossoms.  If already involved, deepening commitment can lead to talk of marriage and children.  Mixing business with pleasure also helps to spur ambitions.

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Best Day:  Sunday 7th

If there’s to be any conflict, look to relationships.  Mostly because the planets are meddling where they shouldn’t. Even so, take this chance to express unresolved anger – but in a constructive way.  As peace returns towards late week, you again head in a positive direction.  But if still feeling unsure, sympathetic friends lend a comforting shoulder.

Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

Best Day: Tuesday 9th

Change doesn’t come easily to Taureans.  This week, however, you’ll need to learn new ways of dealing with others.  It won’t be easy to leave the past behind, but letting go is exactly what you should do.  Stop worrying about the things that you may leave behind and instead focus on everything waiting in the future.  

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Best Day:  Wednesday 10th

The planets encourage a more intuitive approach.  A barrage of new thoughts and creative solutions fill your mind.  Just be wary of those who would exploit you.  Don’t be influenced about how to feel, or what to believe.  Stay true to you.  Also remember: you can’t help those who refuse to be helped.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Best Day:  Friday 5th

You may be feeling restless, but don’t force things to happen.  It’s often easier to simply go with the flow.  Should obstacles appear, see them in the same light as opportunities.  Life is a constant dance, Cancer.  So choose the rhythm that offers you greatest joy, and know that all paths lead to the same place – your greatest good.

Leo (July 23 – August 23)

Best Day:  Monday 8th 

Leos love their freedom.  When the going gets really tough, there’s a tendency to abandon relationships – thinking you don’t need that person any more.  But this week the planets stir up confusion, so think carefully before doing anything drastic.  If you don’t, the heart you break now could turn out to be your own.  

Virgo (August 24 – September 22)

Best Day:  Sunday 7th

Much can be achieved this week, but you must avoid burnout.  Push your energies to the max – but not to the point where you’re teetering on the edge.  Similarly, don’t let competitors force you beyond your limits.  Remember, you call the shots – not them.  The week could also offer extra cash.  

Libra (September 23 – October 23)

Best Day:  Thursday 11th

Your eyes are on the career prize this week.  While you can occasionally be a tad scattered, now’s the time to strategise long-term goals and prioritise your routines.  Librans are usually okay with not being a triple-threat sensation over night.  Your patience truly can be a virtue.  A surprise offer could also tie in with the luck you’re already enjoying.

Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

Best Day: Monday 8th

If you’ve been hoping to reap financial rewards, then you’d better start planting the seeds.  Right now your imagination’s firing, and so is your energy.  Just make sure the left hand knows what the right is doing – whether it be yours or someone else’s. Though some cosmic forces might try to slow professional progress, Scorpio determination wins through.

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

Best Day:  Tuesday 9th

Slow down, Sagittarius. Take a break and give yourself a chance to rest.  If a reconciliation is necessary, make an effort to forgive and forget.  In return, something that has seemed daunting may suddenly turn into a simple exercise – thanks to the generosity of a colleague or friend.  Love could also be yours for the taking….if you play nice.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20) 

Best Day:   Saturday 6th

Once you believe in yourself, the sky’s the limit.  Admittedly, arriving at this point isn’t always easy. Sure, you may have to compromise in order to maintain harmony.  But on no account should you give in to others’ expectations if they’re contrary to your principles.  Rest assured that the planets, as always, will be around to lend moral support.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)

Best Day:  Wednesday 10th

Fulfilment and happiness are near at hand – promising the successful outcome of a venture or relationship.  This culmination of events may also indicate material wealth or greater spiritual awareness.  Some Aquarians start to make plans to buy that dream home or a wonderful new friendship or partnership is on offer.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Best Day:  Sunday 7th

Even though those rose tinted glasses are practically sutured on, let reality have a look-in as well.  You’re not misguided in your outlook, Pisces – just a tad too idealistic. But no one’s asking you to curb all that lovely optimism – only your expenditure.  Mercury puts its heavy hand on your shoulder to ensure a slow down on the spending.

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