Your Weekly Horoscopes Are Here: November 2 – November 8

See what the stars have in store

If you celebrate your birthday this week: 

Your Year Ahead
This year starts with an overhaul of your finances. Scorpio’s desire for financial security is intensified, prompting you to work harder than ever to achieve ambitions.  The scene’s also set for a fun and fulfilling family life but the best is yet to come.  The cosmos unashamedly turns up the heat in the summer months – a time of radical changes.  Love prospects strengthen – someone could even be special to the point of keeping.  Finances and work also bring amazing new opportunities.  With so many planets on-side, it’s sure to be a memorable time ahead.  
Aries (March 21 – April 20)
Best Day:  Sunday 4th
What you love so much – work, career and family – have been in a long process of transformation, and it’s been a struggle. Cast off those worries, Aries – as all that heaviness starts to lift.  The planets offer fresh insights – new solutions to old problems.  Seems that your life is still up for restructure – but in the best possible way.
Taurus (April 21 – May 20)
Best Day:  Monday 5th

Dust off recent confusion, and pull your self-esteem out of its tailspin.  With inspiration and drive steering the way – it’s time to regain control.  Romance encourages intimacy and warmth, although it’s a week for tenderness rather than torrid passion.  The planets also inspire imaginative ways to improve your income.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)
Best Day:  Thursday 8th
It’s fine, Gemini.  We know all about those darker passions that lurk beneath your easy going veneer.  Last week offered the chance to free up some of that hidden intensity, but many of you kept a handle on things.  This week pushes even harder for inner desires to be set free.   Such daring has been a long time coming.
Cancer (June 22 – July 22)
Best Day:  Sunday 4th
This is your week to discover that change can bring extraordinary blessings.  If offered an advantage, don’t hesitate – this opportunity won’t arise again for some time.  You’re also better equipped to deal with financial issues – so sort out money problems.  Collaborate, brainstorm and action your way to success
Leo (July 23 – August 23)
Best Day:  Saturday 3rd

When we look at other people, we see many of their qualities in seemingly random ways. Yet the qualities that we see in the those around us are often related to the traits that exist in us.  ‘Like attracts like’ is one of the spiritual laws of the universe.  The question is, who are you drawn to this week?  

Virgo (August 24 – September 22)
Best Day:  Friday 2nd
If you’ve taken to working on a hunch, Virgo – your success rate now runs high. Cosmic trends lend their weight to your powers of intuition this week, enabling some instinctive decision making when it really matters.  As a bonus, financial gains look set to boost spending power.
Libra (September 23 – October 23)
Best Day:  Monday 5th

Fate, in it’s wisdom, is pointing you in a new direction – one that may feel less secure that you’d like but which is nevertheless precisely what you need.  Don’t fight the inevitable, Libra.  Go with the flow, and you’ll soon arrive at a destination that looks strangely familiar.  You’re in for a delightful surprise.  

Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)
Best Day:  Wednesday 7th
This birthday season coincides with a major turning point – a time when you’re free to attract whatever you please.  For some, new business or travel opportunities arise.  Others enjoy the pleasures of requited romance. Just be wary of overly dependent companions, particularly those who would happily fritter away your hard earned cash.
Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)
Best Day:  Friday 2nd
Being different sometimes involves taking risks – and the planets dare you to do just that. Romance – possibly with someone older, may be formed as a direct result of work or travel.  And if you feel inclined to mix business with pleasure – the merger should prove mutually pleasing – financially or emotionally.  It’s a week to simply, enjoy.  
Capricorn (December 22 – January 20) 
Best Day:  Tuesday 6th
OK Capricorn, you’ve lingered on a particular decision long enough.  Now, it’s time to do something about it.  Sure, it pays to be prepared – and we all know practice makes perfect.  The big question is:  are you ready to give it a try?  You’ll only know by taking action.  If tensions do exist, they seem more to do with immediate family.
Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)
Best Day:  Thursday 8th
This week seems keen to introduce someone of a similar persuasion.  What’s more, you needn’t go far – your soul mate may be very close by.  In money matters, though, you’ve probably less purchasing power than usual. If debts are already toppling towards humiliation, settle for less spending.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Best Day:  Saturday 3rd
Here’s a week to be a tad selfish, Pisces.  Why shouldn’t you let a few “me first” thoughts run through that overly-compliant head of yours?  Of course, independence may not come easily.  You can all-too-easily be at the constant mercy of others’ whims.   It’s time to follow your own path.  You may just learn to love it.

By Tanya Obreza: www.tanyaobreza.com

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