We’re Not Coping With ‘MAFS’ Star Patrick Turning Evil On Us

Is it backwards day?

Married At First Sight was brutal tonight – did anyone cope with those feedback letters? Sure, Bryce and Melissa vs. Jake and Bec kind of turned out for the better (at least, in Jake and Bec’s situation it did), but man, Patrick and Belinda just totally went IN on Booka in their letter to her and husband Brett.

To be fair, it felt like that letter was ALL Patrick, in some sort of bromance support move for best pal Brett. Still, it felt a bit off that the entire feedback letter centred on Booka and her faults, with absolutely no critique of Brett at all. 

Poor Booka was clearly very affected by the harsh words. But mainly we all couldn’t cope with this about-turn from sweet Patrick, who up until now seemed really kind and supportive.


That really was brutal. Looks like the Married At First Sight weekly dinner party tomorrow night will be awkward as all hell.

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