This Mum’s Weight Loss Will Change Your Entire Approach To Food

“Healthy bodies start with healthy minds”

#Fitspo star Nikki Rees is an Instagram sensation with a difference. Yes, she posts #TransformationTuesday and #MorningMotivation posts like there’s no tomorrow, complete with requisite designer activewear and protein shakes and abs. So many abs.

But one of Rees’ latest posts has made global headlines for one very important reason. Unlike many of her peers, Rees doesn’t believe in cutting out food groups, counting calories or beating yourself up for the occasional (or regular) indulgence – instead, her approach is refreshingly normal. And judging by the photos, it works.

“Most of you already know that I workout most days… and that I do so at home,” Rees’ post, which shows a picture of how her body has transformed over two years, begins. “But I get lots of questions about how I eat because it’s not something I talk about or photograph that often.”

“The reason I don’t really talk about it is because there’s nothing really to tell… I don’t do intermittent fasting or flexible dieting or even clean eating (anymore, I did for a while in the beginning,” she continues. “I still eat cake more days than not… I still drink prosecco, I still can’t seem to resist stealing snacks from the kids’ junk food cupboard. I still love a takeaway curry… eat pizza, burger and fries and love to eat sweets.”

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So how did she go from the picture on the left to the picture on the right? Aside from vigorous exercise, this is what Rees says: “The difference between the two pictures is NOT what those foods do to my body it’s what those foods do to my head. Two years ago eating sweets and takeaway and junk all day would send me into a downward spiral of feeling bad about myself. All that yummy food would actually fuel my excuses to quit exercise, to not bother balancing the treats out with nutritious alternatives.”

“Now these same foods (and my passion for them) fuel my ambition to condition my body. If a day happens where I binge eat cake and a tub of butter, I leave it at just that… a day that happened. It doesn’t derail my goals like it used to.”

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The post has quickly gathered over 5200 likes and hundreds of comments from women who love Rees’ no-nonsense, guilt-free approach. More of this from our #fitspo stars, please!

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